Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: The Prisoner of Azkaban

"Harry," I said and took out my Defense Against The Dark Arts textbook. "do you really believe Sirius Black is coming for you?"

"Who wouldn't," Ron blabbed. "everyone seems to be going after Harry." Hermione slapped him slightly. I heard the door slam as a familiar black cloak aroused towards the front of the room, shutting the blinds one by one on the way up.

"Turn to page 394." he said with no expression. I looked to Harry but Snape swiftly turned the page for me. I looked down embarrassed.

"Werewolves?" I asked confused.

"But sir," Hermione argued. "we just learned about redcaps and hinkypunks. We're not to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Snape forced a loud hush onto the group.

"When did she come in?" Ron's jaw dropped to the floor. Harry shrugged.

"Can someone tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" I shot my hand up. Hermione didn't even raise her hand.

"No one? How disappointing."

"Please sir. An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. While a full moon when they transform, they no longer know who they are. He would kill his best friend. Furthermore, a werewolf only responds to a call of its own kind." I am so glad Bill told me that. I actually don't feel- Draco howled and I rolled my eyes at him. I smiled a little bit and he laughed.

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy," Snape said with no sense of guilt. "that is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Ms. Weasley. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all." I looked down at my hands and then around the class. Harry rubbed my knee for support. Draco looked at me with pride and laughed to his classmates.

"Five points from Gryffindor." I looked down.

"Sorry guys, I didn't-" I felt a ping in the back of my head and I looked back to see a flying paper bird.

"Ouch!" I shouted a little too loud.

"Ms. Weasley, if I have to remind you again I will not hesitate to-"

"Professor Snape, perhaps we should assign extra homework for punishment instead?" someone suggested. I looked over to see who but the answer surprised me.

"Malfoy?" I muttered under my breath. It seems nobody heard me, or so I thought. Draco looked over to me and shot me a look of confusion.

"Good suggestion, Malfoy. I expect 5 pages of what you know about werewolves in detail." Draco looked at me and I shook my head. I turned back to see what Snape was doing.

"But sir, it's quidditch tomorrow!" Harry spurred in.

"No excuses!" I looked at Harry but he looked past me. I turned around and saw Draco glaring at Harry.

In Harry's hands, he held the unfolded paper bird, what was on it? I couldn't tell, but from the look on Harry's face, I just knew it wasn't pleasant.

It was raining really hard. Gryffindor had to play against Ravenclaw today. I tried to tell Professor McGonagall that the weather wasn't suitable for a game of Quidditch but she didn't listen.

"Come on Harry!" Hermione shouted.

"Be careful!" I yelled but I highly doubt he could hear me. I could barely hear me. Harry went up towards the clouds so I thought I would walk down outside of the stands. I stood out by the gates of the stadium.

The wind blew my hair into my face in which I couldn't see. I saw a flash of lightning above the stadium and shortly after, the Ravenclaw seeker fell to the ground. Madam Pomfrey and Flitwick ran out to retrieve him but shortly after I saw another body start to fall.

"Harry!" I heard Ginny shout.

"Oh my-" I heard Professor Dumbledore stand up and mutter something before Harry slowed down, just barely missing the ground.

"Let's throw you off the Astronomy Tower Ron, and see what you look like?" I heard George say to Ron. I sat down in the corner.

"Probably better than he usually does." Harry sat up gently and I sprinted over to him.

"Harry, you're alright." I pulled him into a hug. Everyone looked at me weirdly and Harry smiled a little bit.

"I'm fine, Madeline. Thanks for the candy guys." everyone nodded and I just stood there.

"Alright, let him rest!" Madam Pomfrey pushed everyone out. I smiled at Harry and he did too before the door finally closed.

"Did I mention that?" Hermione laughed awkwardly.

"Would you like to move closer?" she asked and I shook my head.

"A-actually, I'm fine right here." Ron shrugged.

"Well, I have to make my way back to the library. I want to take a look at a few books for light reading." Yeah, light reading.  I nodded and Ron stepped forward.

"Yeah, I think I'll head back to, to um- you know, g-go with her." I laughed a little bit.

"I think I'll stay a little while, meet you guys later." I watched as Ron met up with Hermione and I smiled. I leaned on the fence a little. I will have to go see that sometime. I heard a few voices behind me so I decided to walk into the forest. I know this forest was forbidden but I wanted to explore. Nothing but a curious girl.

I wandered into the forest and admired the natural features. Once I got a little deeper, I noticed a glazed over lake. I sat down next to it and whisked my foot over it.

"Madeline?" a voice spoke from behind me.

I jumped a little and stood up, "What are you doing out here?" He stayed in one spot.

"This is the spot I always come to think."

"Am I in the way?" he shook his head.

"May I?" I nodded and he took a seat next to me in the snow.

"You never told me how you did on your finals last year." he smirked a little.

"Sorry, I was really busy over the summer. I was helping out at The Leaky Cauldron."

"What would you be doing there?" he said smugly.

"Oh, I was helping out with housekeeping. The minister said they were running low on workers." I smiled. It got kind of awkward after that and we just sat there completely silent.

"Well- um, I think I am going to head back to the castle." I got up and brushed my jeans and jumper off.

"Wait," Draco spun me around.

"What are-" I felt warm lips appear onto my cold ones. I was hesitant at first but I started to relax into the kiss. Once he pulled away, we locked eye contact.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

OOH! Draddie or Maco. HAHAHA Daddie! YAAAAS! I know this went fast, and I apoligize. 

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