Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: The Chamber Of Secrets

After dinner in the Great Hall, I couldn't shake the Draco incident. I wanted to go try to find more about it but since Harry and Ron don't really like him that much, I'm sure that I probably shouldn't try to when they're around.

"What classes do you have, Mads?" Hermione asked me, tugging her schedule out of her pocket.

"I have advanced classes apparently so," I pulled out my schedule. "DADA with Lockhart, Charms with Flitwick, Potions with Snape, Transfiguration with McGonagall, and Herbology with Sprout."I smiled.

"Hey, we have all the classes together except Charms." Hermione smiled and showed me her schedule. Harry did the same and he had all but Potions with me and Ron had all with me.

"That's bloody great!" I smiled widely. This would make a good escape time.

"You know what guys, I think I'm gonna go- um to the bathroom." I said quickly and they looked curious to each other.

"Okay?" they all said in unison. I went off in the direction of the dungeons but before I turned the second corner, there he was.

"Hm, Weasley. Where do you think you're going?" he smirked his famous grin.

"None of your business, Malfoy." I said, dropping the subject. Actually it kind of is.

"So it is?" he smirked a little.

"No." I said quickly and he laughed a little.

"Well, then go back to your blood traitor friends." he laughed and started heading towards the Slytherin dormitories.

"Guess that didn't go as well as planned." I muttered. I still have to find out why he's so unhappy.

"Wait, Draco!" I shouted to him a little quieter so my brother couldn't hear me. He turned around and stopped in his tracks.

"Why were you so unhappy during dinner?" I asked, trying not to sound nosy.

"What's it to you, Weasel?" he asked, trying to sound rude.

"I just don't like seeing people unhappy and I was curious." I forced a small smile onto my face. He chuckled a bit.

"It's a shame you couldn't be in Slytherin, you'd make a great one." he said as he swiftly made his way to his dorm. I groaned and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh, Madeline." I heard as I stepped into the common room after entering the password. I looked to see who it was and it was the boy who lost his toad. I think his name was Neville.

"Hi, Neville is it?" he nodded and smiled.

"I would introduce myself but it appears you already know who I am." I laughed a little and he did too.

"You left this in the Great Hall." he held up my purple jumper and I smiled.

"Thanks Neville, I didn't even realize." he smiled a little.

"I think we're going to be good friends." his eyes lit up and he smiled widely.


"Absolutely. Good night, Neville." I said making my way up to the girls dorms. I heard a faint good night before I opened Ginny, Hermione, and my dorm. I walked in to see that Hermione was reading a book and Ginny was changing into her night gown.

"Oh hi Maddie." she smiled sitting down on her bed.

"Hi Gin." I said, still thinking on Malfoy.

"What's with you? You look puzzled." I shrugged.

"Nah, just thinking." I pulled the covers up to my chest and didn't even bother taking off my robe.

"Okay, goodnight." she turned off her lamp.

"Goodnight Ginny, Hermione." I flipped off the switch on my lamp as well so the only light that was on was Hermione's. Would I really be a good Slytherin? No, he's just a git trying to make me suffer. And with that on my mind, I drifted asleep.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Draco Malfoy arrives at last.

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