Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Goblet of Fire



I sat in the window and pulled my knees up to my chest. I thought he might have actually liked me, and if not, with makeup.

I felt a tear slide slowly down my cheek as I heard footsteps coming closer. What? Nobody comes down here.

"Put, put," Moaning Myrtle laughed. "looks like someone's coming." I slid as close to the window as I could so hopefully they wouldn't see me. The footsteps came closer..

and closer...

until I saw the one person I never wanted to see push open the door.


I held my breath so he wouldn't hear me.

"Myrtle?" he uttered her name.

"Yes Harry?" she giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen Madeline come in here at all?" she looked out of the corner of her eye and I held my finger to my lips. I can't breathe anymore. I coughed once but cover my mouth. 

Harry looked up to the window and I pushed myself to the glass as much as I could.

"Did you hear that, Myrtle?" she smiled. No.

"Hear what, Harry?" she smiled, falling all over her. He groaned and pushed himself out of the bathroom.

"Thank you Myrtle." I coughed and took in as much air as I could, slowly climbing down from the bathroom window.

"I think you should talk to him." I groaned.

"No really, he's going through a lot right now." she sat where I previously was.

"But Myrtle, at-"

"No buts, go talk to him!" she pointed to the door. I finally gave in and trudged my way back to the common room.

Once I got to the common room door, I looked up at the painting.

"Pride." the door opened slightly and I peeked in. I saw Harry laying on the couch, depressed. I took a deep breath and closed the door. I would have thought he would have got up or at least looked, but no. God, now I feel really bad.

"H-Harry." I forced into the room.

"Maddie?" he sat up a little.

"Harry, I-I'm sorry for avoiding you all this time." I tried as hard as I could to retain eye contact.

"It's not your fault, I really should have came back to help you." he said, looking down at my cast.

"Here, sit down." he helped me sit down and took my crutches.

"I feel really bad, I don't know what was going through my head." he cursed himself.


"Maddie, I understand if you don't want to ever speak to me again, but I just want you to kno-" Godric, I leaned in and connected our lips. He was hesitant at first but I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled away gently to see his reaction.

"Well that was unexpected." he chuckled a little. I said nothing and blushed.

"Maddie," he smiled, pulling me closer. "will you be my girlfriend?"

This was it.

Harry just asked me to be his girlfriend.

"I would love to, Harry." He grabbed my waist and pulled me into yet another kiss.

"What in the bloody hell?" I heard someone yell, causing me to wince away.


"Merlin, you are twisted!" Ron shouts at Harry.

"No Ron," I tried to stand up. "I forgave him." I said in a much quieter tone. Harry handed me my crutches and looked down.

"Just that easy? Madeline, he practically broke your leg!" I held Ron back mentally. I stood up with my crutches.

"Now you two need to talk."


"Do you think they made up?" Hermione asks me as she sets a few pieces of chicken onto her plate.

"I hope so." Hermione lifted her gaze to behind me and she smiled.

"Hope is a strong thing." I turned my head and saw Ron and Harry walk in. Harry sits down next to me and plants a small kiss on my cheek. Hermione's face popped with shock as she looked at me. I nodded and she shrieked.

"Maddie, that's awesome. I am happy for you." she smiles and I see her nudge Ginny.

"Ginny?" I ask as she looks down on her plate.

"Congrats Maddie on getting the guy!" she growled and sprinted out of the room.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

I try to stick to the book but I love adding things. My 'l', 'shift' and 'space' key suck on my old computer (since my other is broken) but I will have to deal. I love you!

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