Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty: The Goblet Of Fire

Harry's P.O.V (STILL)


"You can dance with Pavarti if you want." Ron gestured to his date's sister, still shocked about Hermione.

"Thanks Ron, but I want to find Madelin-" I froze in my tracks as I turned around.


I froze in my tracks as I turned around. Maddie came down the stairs arm in arm with...


"Why is Madeline with Neville?" Ron asked, confused.

"If I knew, I'd tell you." I admitted. Maddie walked down the stairs and wouldn't make eye contact with me.

 Maddie walked down the stairs and wouldn't make eye contact with me

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Madeline's P.O.V

I know this was a jerky thing to do but I was starting to get mad at Harry for not asking me and then Neville came and asked me. He was so sweet about it too so I couldn't say no. I couldn't look Harry in the eye.

Neville walked me down to the dance floor, "Neville, we are going as friends, remember?"

"I know," we had a few dances. "I'm going to go say hi to Luna." I nodded and went over to where Ron and Harry were sitting. I don't think they danced at all. I, of course, could barely dance but that didn't stop me.

"Hi Harry." I said quietly. He didn't look up at me.

"Harry." he looked up at me.

"We only went as friends."

"I get it Madeline." I don't-

"Harry, we're only going as-"

"It's fine, Maddie." he turned away from me.

"Harry James Potter." people stopped and looked including Harry and Ron.

"You better listen to me. Neville and I are just friends and I came here with him because you didn't even ask me. I do not hate you." he nodded and Ron gulped.

"Bloody hell, you're just like mum." I chucked a little bit.

"You look beautiful tonight." Harry stood up, grabbing my waist. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." he chuckled and kissed my lips lightly. I don't know why but Draco popped into my head. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back and he led me onto the dance floor. After I danced with Harry a few times, I danced with Ron as well.

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