Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Order Of The Phoenix

Since Umbridge found the D.A. with the Inquisitor army, we all had to write lines. I am getting tired of this. I looked down at my hand and it looked black.

"Madeline, your hand." Neville whispered and I nodded, fighting tears.

Apparently Cho snitched and Umbridge got her to talk. She is the only one not punished from D.A.

"Madeline, I need to talk to you." someone sped up towards me on the bridge.

"Save it Malfoy, don't talk to me." I kept walking until he blocked my path.

"I am really sorry, if I'd known-"

"That's the thing Draco, you shouldn't do it to anyone." he sighed and his eyes went wide. He lifted up my hand and I winced.

"Your hand, they did this to you?" I uttered a nod and he dropped it.

"I didn't know it was this bad. She can't do this." he ruffled his hand through his hair.

"Oh but she can." I mimicked her sickening tone. He chuckled a little but his frown returned.

Oh my gosh, I completely forgot to study for the O.W.L's. With all this madness, I never had time to. I looked at the test and flipped out.

What potion requires you to split cockroaches and blend snake venom?

How am I supposed to know? Hermione zipped through it like it was her specialty. Which, it kind of was.

I looked at Draco, who looked stumped as well. We locked eye contact and he smiled a little. I looked down at my paper and looked at question two.

What solution does it re-

I heard a slight bang on the door and I smiled.

"3, 2, 1.." I said aloud and Umbridge was about to say something. George and Fred zoomed in on their broomsticks throwing fireworks up. Everyone cheered. I saw a mini firework go above our heads and a giant dragon start to form. Fireworks zoomed towards some of the Slytherins and I laughed as Pansy's face shrieked. It started towards Umbridge as she ran out the door. It engulfed her and all we heard was a loud clash. All the rules fell from the wall, falling on the publisher herself.

Everyone ran outside and clapped as a huge W  formed in the sky.


I looked down at Hermione and my smile dropped as she rushed to Harry.

"He's going for Sirius."

"I need to get to the Ministry, now." he stood up and ran into the castle.

"Harry, you aren't going alone. We are all going." Neville said as we all stepped up.

"It's too-"

"We're going, end of story." I said with a stern face. He knew he couldn't change my mind and finally gave in.

We walked through the ministry and Harry saw a glowing ball.

"Harry," I gulped. "this one has your name on it." He looked over and picked it up. Turns out it wasn't the best idea. Black smoke appeared in front of us.

A masked figure approached us.

"One will have to kill the other in the end."

"Who are you?" Harry steps up, putting us all behind him.

"Stupify!" I shout at him trying to knock him out.

"Silly girl." he removed the mask. Lucius Malfoy.

"You must be Madeline Weasley, I've heard a lot about you." Harry looked at me confused.

"How?" he whispered. I lied and shrugged.

I heard a nasty cackle come from the darkness behind Lucius.

"Draco's been talking with you." Harry's face went shocked.

"When?" he said aloud.

"Since 2nd year." Bellatrix cackled again, lining my chin with her dirty nails. Harry stood completely shocked and my breath hitched in my throat. I reached for my wand but she quickly disarmed me.

She pointed her wand at my throat. "Nice tr-"

"Stupify!" I heard Neville shout and Bellatrix flew back. Harry and Lucius were having a conversation while we slowly got cornered.

"Um Harry-" I patted his shoulder and he looked finally.

"Now!" he shouted and we all split off in pairs. Ginny and I; Neville and Luna; Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"Aguamenti!" I shouted, throwing water knocking out 3+ deatheaters. Ginny high-fived me. We made our way back to the group and everyone was running towards us.

"Run!" Harry grabbed Ginny and I's arms and we started running. We saw a doorway and once we all got through, Harry gasped.

"This is i-" black smoke erupted through the hall and the next thing I know, Bellatrix has her wand to my neck.

"Har-" she digs it in even deeper as my voice stops.

"Just give me the prophecy and nobody gets hurt." Lucius slithered towards him.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" I shouted and she covered my mouth. No. Harry handed him the glass.

The portal lit up and I smiled.

"Get away from my Godson!" Sirius punched Malfoy in the gut, dropping the prophecy. The order appeared as the deatheaters all surrounded us.

"Harry, get the others out of here!" Sirius shouted at Harry. Sirius blew back Malfoy and I smiled.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix hit Sirius. Harry looked as if he was hit. Sirius fell into the portal.

The last of Harry's family was dead.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Are you sirius right now? Sirius, no!!!!!!!!!! Like and comment!

Tell me what you all think.


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