Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three: The Half-Blood Prince

"This whole 'Won Won' thing is annoying me." I utter.

"Trust me Maddie," Hermione adds. "you're not the only one." I sat down in the chair and watch as Ron stares bewildered into the fire.

"Bloody hell, Ron!"

"Harry, look at him!" he does and has the same expression as me.

"She doesn't annoy me! I love her!" Ron smiles.

"Harry, love potion?" he nods.

"He doesn't even know the girl!"

"I'm taking him to Slughorn's." I nod and they both walk out, leaving me to fall asleep in the chair.

"Madeline, Madeline wake up!" Hermione shouts and I jump up.

"Blimey Hermione!" I said, covering my ears.

"Ron's been poisoned!"

"What?" I shout and throw the blanket off me.

"Oh my god, is he okay?" she sets a look a worry on her face and we sprint down. I sprint down by his side, next to Harry.

"What happened?" I asked, gripping his hand as Ginny holds the other.

"It smells like licorice and cherry, when not polluted with poison."

"I actually intended to give it as a gift myself."

"To whom might I ask?"

"To you, Headmaster." I gasped and covered my mouth. That's 2 now.

"Where is he," I heard someone shriek and I groan. "where is my Won Won? Has he been asking for me?"

"What's she doing here?" she pants.

"I should ask you the same question!" Hermione stands.

"I happen to be his girlfriend."

"I happen to be his- friend."

"Don't make me laugh, you haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now when he's suddenly he's all interesting."

Hermione laughed, "He's been poisoned you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting.."

Ron mumbles something, "Hermione, Hermione..." 

Lavender sprints out out of the room crying and Hermione grabs his hand that I had.

Harry and I just smiled.

"'Bout time, don't you think?" Ginny smiled at Harry and he nodded.

"Oh shut up." she smiled.

"Mr. Weasley's well attended to."

"Harry, I'll see you tomorrow. You too Hermione." I smile lightly and she nodded.

"Is your brother good?" I turn around and see Malfoy standing face to face with me.

"Why do you care, Malfoy?"

"Last name basis again?" he sits down on the stairs of the 3rd floor. I don't say anything.

"We haven't talked all year." he mutters again and I scoff.

"Wonder why?"


"You don't remember when I basically got tortured to death right in front of your eyes? And-"

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