Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: The Prisoner Of Azkaban

"Madeline?" a nervous first Gryffindor stumbled into the common room.

"Yeah?" I stood up from the sofa with Ginny.

"D-dumbledore said that he needs to t-talk to you." Awe, the first year is always scary.

"Okay, thanks." I smiled, extending my hand.

"What's your name?" I asked and she seemed a little taken back.

"Z-Zara, Zara Lieders." I smiled and made my way to Dumbledore's. I knocked on Dumbledore's door, since I didn't receive a password, and nobody answered.

"Lemon Drops." I heard someone mutter behind me. I turned around yet didn't see anyone.

"Lemon Drops?" I questioned to see if it would work and sure enough. I furrowed my eyebrows together and checked behind me once more before entering.

"Ah, Ms. Weasley."

"Professor." I smiled and hesitated to enter. He stepped down the stairs from his office. Ever since Harry and I were in here, I was more comfortable.

"Madeline, I have noticed you have been doing extraordinarily well in your advanced classes." I nodded. I'd like to think so.

"I try my best, Professor." he sent a smile.

"That is why I am proud to pronounce," he sat in his chair. "you will be advancing an extra grade to 3rd year." My mouth fell open and he chuckled a bit.

"R-really? Me?" This shocked me so much. He smiled and I stood up.

"Thank you, Professor." I smiled, trying to stay calm. He handed me my new schedule. That means I get to have all my classes with the trio. Once I got far enough down the stairs to where Dumbledore couldn't hear me, I cheered.

"Harry," I shouted into the common room. "Ron, Hermione!" Ron turned around completely confused.

"What is the matter?" I tried to stay still.

"Guys," I smiled wider than the quidditch field. "I am a third year!" I shouted and they still yet looked confused.

"What?" I shifted onto the couch.

"Dumbledore moved me up a grade because of all my advanced classes!" I squealed.

"Maddie, that's amazing!" Hermione jumped.

"We're gonna be so close." I smiled widely and Ginny came in.

"What's going on?" I told her and she smiled.

"Maddie, that's great." there was a look on her face I could not distinguish.

"Awe, Ginny. Thank you, it means a lot." 

"I think this calls for a celebration!" Harry chuckled.

"Breakfast," my stomach churned. "I'm hungry." They laughed at me and we headed down.

"We have the honor of reading tea leaves. So take the cup across from you." I smiled to Ginny as we switched.

"First you must open your minds and look beyond!" she exclaimed and I groaned.

"Ms. Weasley, let's see your cup." she nodded and a look of panic crossed her pale face.

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