Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty: The Deathly Hallows (Part One)

When I woke up, I still heard the shouting from upstairs. I must not have slept that long, which is common for here.

"Throw the prisoners in the cellar!" that laugh was starting to get annoying. I heard someone get thrown down and I looked up to see Luna.

"Luna?" I gasped and helped her up. I was unhooked so I guess Draco left me free.

"Maddie, are you okay? You look a lot smaller than the last time I saw you." I nodded slightly and she apologized.

"Are you guys alright?" they nodded and Mr. Ollivander helped her sit down.

"It's much nicer to have company around here. I have been by myself for about a month now."

"I'm glad you're okay." she smiled.

"You too, I personally know what the Cruciatus Curse does to your body." she down at my thin figure and frowned.

"I have a spell but nothing that would cure those injuries. I'm really sorry, Maddie." I shrugged.

"It's okay, it doesn't really hurt anymore." my stomach twists and I run for the trash can. I'm not going into detail about what I just accomplished, let's just say there goes my lunch.

 I looked over to see Luna asleep in the corner. I heard a door latch and someone appeared in the doorway.

"Blood traitor," someone shouted. That's what they've been calling me for a while now. I'm used to it. "go!" I walked up the stairs and was instantly pushed to the floor. My legs were weary and my head started to throb.

"What's wrong, blood traitor?" Bellatrix yelled at me.

"Sister, she's weak." I looked up to see a taller woman.

"Please, let me feed her." Bellatrix finally gave me in and tossed me in front of her.

"Come, dear, let's get you fed." she helped me up and onto the sofa. She felt my skin and pulled back rather quickly.

"Merlin's sake," she covered her mouth. "grab her a blanket, would you?" I looked up and someone smiled a little.

"Hey," he knelt down in front of me. "how are you doing?" I shook my head and he grabbed my hand, laying the blanket softly over me. The warmth shocked me a little but soon I cuddled into it.

"I'm doing the best I can." he squeezed it and I nodded.

"Here dear, I made you some soup." I sat up and took it.

"T-thanks." I smiled and took a bite. It was the best thing I had ever tasted. Well, I'm sure she could have gave me anything and it would be amazing to me.

"I'm Mrs. Malfoy, but you can call me Narcissa." I forced a weak smile and took another bite.

"I'm-" she stopped me.

"Madeline Weasley, I know." Yeah, she probably knew.

"Relax dear, I'm not sure how long you can stay." she smiled.

"Draco, bring her up to your room, she'll be better there." he nodded and I tried to stand. He shook his head.

"No, you're too weak." he picked me up bridal-style and carried me up the stairs. I was too tired to object. He laid me on the bed and pulled the blankets over me.

He threw me a pair of sweatpants and his shirt to throw on.

"Do you need anything?" I shook my head and he started to walk out.

"Wait," he turned back. "can you lay with me?" My voice wiggled and he hesitantly nodded. He pulled the covers up and laid down next to me, pulling me close. He rubbed the cut on my chin.

"Turn around so I can hold you." I felt his arms slide around my waist. My eyes could barely keep open. I looked out the window and my eyes shut.

I opened my eyes slightly to see Draco still sleeping. I rolled over to face him and I brushed his hair back. I kissed his forehead and slowly unwrapped his arms from my waist. I got up and looked around for the bathroom.

"Down the hall, dear." I heard Narcissa smile from the end of the hallway. I quickly thanked her before scurrying into the bathroom. I took off my clothes and turned the hot water on. I flinched at the touch of it but relaxed into it.

This was well needed. I moaned as the hot water ran down my body. I washed my hair and my face.

I took a look at my bruised and scratched up body, no more dried blood in my hair. I sighed and stepped out of the shower. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I changed back into my clean clothes and I shifted back into Draco's room.

"You look so much thinner." he pained.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"I'm really sorry, Maddie. I'm getting you out of here." he stood up and raced out of the room. I stood confused and slowly followed him downstairs. Once I stepped off the last step, I knew I made a mistake.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

UH OH OH UH OH! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN!? I know you'll like it!

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Before I go, I wanted to thank all of you for all the support. You literally all make me so happy when you like and comment. I'm so glad you like it. This is the first fanfiction I have actually been successful at and kept it online. Also, thanks for the support and the prayers for my sickness, I am feeling way better thanks to all of you. I wouldn't be almost at 8k if it weren't for you guys! You're my supporters and I am yours, so if you guys decide to ever write, just message me quick and I will definitely check it out. Thank you again and have a great day/night! Love you all!

Also, I now have three NEW books available for reading! Two of them are short stories. One is short chapters because it is basically a log (See You Soon).  The next short story is called 'How Faith Shall Lie'. I originally made it for my art class, but I thought it involved a great moral. The other is my admission for the #13ReasonsWhyContest. It is called 'Oblivion''. If you guys could go check that out and vote, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much for the support again. Love you guys so much! ✨❤

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