Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Goblet Of Fire

"Look," Ron smiled, holding a long box. "mom sent me a package." He unwrapped it and his smile plummeted. He pulled out a really colorful pair of dress robes.

"Maddie, Ginny I think mom made you a dress." I laughed.

"Those are ghastly."

"Ron, those aren't for us. They're for you." Ginny smiled.

"They're dress robes Ron." Hermione chuckled. Harry laughed and pulled out a bonnet, handing it to him.

"Oh shut it Harry." I saw Fred and George laugh so hard and I started too.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered fun. Because the Yule Ball is first and foremost," she smiled. "a dance."

All the girls looked around and I rolled my eyes. I can't dance for the life of me.

"This is going to be embarrassing." Fred nudges me and I look up at McGonagall and..


I laugh along with Fred and George as Ron glares back at us.

"You're not going to let him live this down, are you?" Hermione asks George, Fred, and I. We all shake our heads and continue laughing.

"Never." we said in unison.

"I will not have you behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." Fred and George kept debating on it as a tongue twister, now it was Hermione and Harry's turn to laugh.

Fred and I whistled at Ron when he placed his arm on McGonagall's waist. Ron looked like he was going to burst. Fred and George mimicked the dancing and I completely laughed out loud.

"Boys on your feet!" after hesitation, Neville stood. He was always the most polite. I smiled at him and he asked me to dance. I blushed and took his hand.

What can I say? The girls had it easier, much easier this time of year. Most of the girls traveled in groups.

Harry hasn't even asked me to go yet. I think he just assumes we're going together already, which is kind of barbaric.

"Harry," I set my hands on my hips. "don't you have a question for me?" Ron and Harry stop in the middle of the path.

"No," he shakes his head. "I don't think so." Oh for Merlin's sake! I scoff and walk off and sit next to the tree.

Harry's P.O.V

"This is bloody mad." Ron says about all the girls. Snape pushed his head down.

"Neville already got someone." Hermione said. Ron and my eyes went wide.

"How?" I ask and Hermione looks at me weirdly.

"It so hard, Harry. They travel in packs!"

"Now I'm really depressed." Fred passed Ron a slip of paper.

"Who you going with then?" he passed the paper back. Fred crumpled it up and threw it at Angelina. He made gestures asking her to the dance. She smiled and nodded. Fred winked at Ron and Ron nearly choked.

"Hermione, you're a girl." Ron gestured the same to her.

"Come'th with-" Snape hit Ron with a book and me too. What did I do? I just tried to warn him!

"For a girl to go alone, it's just sad." Hermione's face went red.

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not, someone's already asked me. AND I SAID YES." she got up and left.

Every time I mention the dance to Maddie, she freaks out and runs away.

"Hey Maddie," she smiled back at me. "are you excited for the Yule Ball?" Her eyes went wide and she sprinted in the opposite direction.

What? I asked Ron about it and he said she might just be nervous.

Today was the day of the Yule Ball and Maddie hasn't spoken to me since the incident in the hallway.

I walked into Ron and my room to see him freaking out.

"Bloody Hell! Murder me, Harry."

"They're traditional." I gestured to his robes.

"They're ancient! I look and smell like my Great Aunt, Tessie." 

"Have you seen your sister?" I freeze.

"No, why?"

"She's been avoiding me." he shrugs and we walk down to the hall.

"She looks beautiful." Padma stood in awe as she looked at the steps. Hermione waltzed down the steps in a purple and pink gown. Ron stood shocked and completely lovestruck.

"Blimey, it's Hermione." Ron said as she hooked arms with-


"You can dance with Pavarti if you want." Ron gestured to his date's sister, still shocked about Hermione.

"Thanks Ron, but I want to find Madelin-" I froze in my tracks as I turned around.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.


I am so excited to release the next chapter!!! I am very proud of the idea.

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