Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Chapter Fifty-Five: The Deathly Hallows (Part Two)

First of all, who is excited to read the new chapter!? I've been m.i.a. for the last month or so. Where have I been, you may ask? Absolutely nowhere. Nowhere except school! Just a quick update, I know nobody really reads these things anyways so why not say some random sentence to end the a.n. starring my two favoite social media stars. Shawn Mendes is great because the Dolan Twins make YouTube videos. 

Love you guys a lot and nowwww you can start reading.


We watched as everyone mourned the losses, and it was terrible. Neville decided to pronounce a speech about how everyone would always be in their hearts, but all I just wanted to do was hug my family.

"Sure, we lost friends and family, but they will always be in our hearts. Lavendar, Colin, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Madeline, and so many more.... but they will always be with us." 

The battle raged on, everyone sacrificing themselves to save the wizarding world, our home. I felt like a bystander, just standing here watching everyone die. It hurt so much.

"Madeline Weasley," I heard someone echo behind me. "it's good to see you." I turned around quickly, recognizing that voice anywhere. 

"Professor Dumbledore!" he smiled and hugged me for a second. 

"As much as I enjoy your company, you should not be here." I looked at him questionably.

"But I'm dead."

"Not technically." Now I was really puzzled. 

"You're such a brave girl," he walked towards me. "let's take a walk." I looked and Fred, and he ushered me to go. I nodded as we started down the tracks.

"You can go back, you know..." 

"I can, how?" I asked, shocked.

"You remember feeling Harry place something in your hand just before you died?" I nodded.

"It was the resurrection stone, the one that will save Harry from death. He gave it to you, but you have to get it back to him before he goes to Voldemort." I stood speechless and realized what he had said. 

"Go to Voldemort?"

"Yes, but you have to give him the stone."

"Wait, what about Fred?" 

"Do not pity the dead, Madeline, pity the living... and above all those who live without love." my mind immediately went to him. 

"And Fred will be fine." Fred walked around the corner and smiled.

"You knew?" he nodded.

"I can't just leave you here." 

"You can, and you will. Like I said, I'll always be with you." he smiled, and I jumped into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much." my eyes watered.

"I'm going to miss you more, my little twin." we departed from the hug and I took a deep breath.

"Ready to board a train, Ms. Weasley?" Dumbledore smiled.

"Yes, I'm ready."

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

I am sorry I wasn't able to post on the 24th or the 27th, but I wanted to thank every one of you for the never ending support on this book. It's made me into the person I am today, and I have you guys to thank for that. I didn't really think it would make it this far, but I am so glad it did. I have met and/or talked to so many people through this book. 

As I told you in the previous chapter, it was a year as of August 24th that I started writing AWT and as of the 27th, it was a year since I had finished it. I am so proud at how far it has come. I love you guys so much!

Thank you.

Also, comment if I should make a new fanfiction. I am thinking about doing a dolan fanfiction. If you don't know who they are, their names are Grayson and Ethan. They make videos under 'The Dolan Twins' on YouTube. I am still in Gray's lane but my wheels are slowly making a right turn into Eeteeweetee's. Comment your thoughts pleaseeeeee.

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