I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk! Chappie One

Chapter 1

New day, new school, could life get any WORSE! I rolled over and switched my alarm off but stayed where I was. I didn't want to go to school, hell I didnt want to get out of my warm bed, but some things in life cannot be avoided, no matter how unpleasant they are.

"Olivia, are you up?" mum shouted from the kitchen down stairs.

"Yeah, I guess so. You can hear me talking cant you?" I heard mum walking up the stairs. Parental lecture this early in the morning? No thank-you, I was still half asleep.

"Can I come in?" she asked knocking on the door.

"I would say no but I already know your going to come in."

"Just trying to be polite" she sat down next to me. I pulled the blankets over my head, hoping to disappear so that no-one could ever find me. Mum pulled them off my head and brushed my fringe out of my eyes.

"Olivia hunny, I know it's going to be tough starting at a new school, especially since your in the 10th grade now and your dad's not here anymore. But it will be fine, I promise."

Dad had run off with his secretary and had a baby, leaving mum and me all alone, didn't even acknowledge that I was hs daughter anymore. What a great dad hey?

"Mum, I dont want to talk about dad, but your right, it's just school, I'll be all good" I kissed her on the cheek and went to get dressed in my closet. Much like my big bedroom, my closet was huge. All along one wall was jeans, skirts, shorts and the oher was a combination of tops and shoes. I decided on black skinnies, a red shirt that said "It's okay, I know you want me", red converse and a black jacket. I walked into my black marble bathroom and ran a brush through my shoulder length dark brown hair and applied eyeliner and mascara to make my green eyes pop. I ran down the stairs to the kitchen and Lorenzo our chef made me some fruit salad. Chef you might be thinking? Yeah well my mum is this bigshot photographer and has her own business, which I guess makes a lot of money, but I dont care about money.

"So Liv, ready for a big day at school?" Lorenzo asked.

"L, I'm not looking forward to it what so ever but I'll try" I gave him a big smile. I finished all of my fruit salad and yelled a "bye" to my mum and ran out to my car so I could drive to school. My car was a classic black mercedes with pink pinstripes down the side. I drove down the road to Lockwood High, my new school, and parked in the carpark. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and got out of the car to look at everyone staring at me. Well me, and my car. Seriously, what's with boys and cars? I myself will never understand.

I got looked up and down like a piece of meat by all the boys as I passed them, and their girlfriends glared daggers at me. Nice welcome. I smiled to a few people and was trying to find the office when I walked into a wall. Not a wall, a person built like a wall. He was tall, blue eyed, black haired and hot body. His stance showed he knew he was hot and he was smirking down at me.

"What we're your walking newbie"

"Newbie? Is that the best you can come up with?" Sarcasm came out of my big mouth when I was shocked.

"Yeah, I rule this school so watch where your walking from now on" he started to walk past me but I grabbed his wrist.

What's your name?" I asked.

"Lucas, why do you want to know?" he asked suspiciously.

"Because, that's not your name anymore. Your new name is beefhead. I think it suits, dont you?" A group of students had gathered around us and were laughing at Lucas. He silenced them all by glaring.

"I'm not one to mess with" he threatned.

"Are you trying to imply that I've done something wrong?" I smiled innocently at him.

"Not at all", he said matching my smile, "just pointing out a common fact"

I laughed in his face and flicked my hair over my shoulders. "Yeah what ever". I spotted a sign that said Office so I walked off, leaving a shocked Lucas behind and many oooooohhs.

I met the principle and he walked me to my first class, which was Maths. Do I get all the badluck? Maths is the teachers way of getting back at students for not doing homework, well that was my theory at least. The principle left me outside the door and I walked into the class, immediately, all eyes were on me. I walked with my head up over to the teacher and gave her my timetable.

"Oh yes, your the new student" she said to me. Well der, who else would I be I thought.

She turned to address the class. " Students, this is Olivia Rancer and she is new so I would like you to all make her feel welcome to our school"

Mrs Jill, yeah that's what her badge said, turned to me and pointed to the only spare seat. " You'll be sitting next to Lucas Princeton." I gaped at her and turned slowly to look at my seat. Sure enough, beefhead was sitting next to it. Damn, can I even catch a break?

I slowly trudged to my desk and sat down in my seat, not looking at beefhead. The teacher smiled at me and began going on and on about the square root of pie. Someone started poking me and I knew who it was so I tried my hardest to ignore them. After five minutes of him poking in the same place, my arm went dead. I glared at him and stuck my hand up, interupting what ever the teacher was saying.

"Yes miss Rancer?"

"Sorry to interupt Mrs Jill, but I cant concentrate on your lesson when Lucas keeps poking me in the arm"

"So sorry dear. Lucas, detention after school" I smiled in satisfaction and focused on the board again. A piece of paper landed on my desk and I opened it, curious to see what it said. It was a picture of Mrs Jill and it said, "I have a big ass". I looked over in time to see Lucas smile sweetly at me and put his hand up.

"Yes Lucas?"

"Miss, Olivia is drawing pictures of you. I think they're very inpolite too"

Mrs Jill walked over to my desk and snatched the paper out of my hand.

"Care to explain?" she asked glaring down at me.

"I....and he......then......I didn't do it" I managed to get out.

"Detention for you also after school Miss Rancer and in the future dont let this happen again." she walked to the board and turned her back. I looked at Lucas and stuck the finger up at him.

"See you in detention" he said

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