the fear

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THE OMINOUS WORDS hung in the air like poison, leaving scents of danger as Steve walked out of the room, leaving me trembling. His entire team followed him like mind-controlled sheep, looking straight at the back of each others' head. When they were all gone, the silence barely lasted.

"What a coward!" Mother stomped breathlessly, shuddering in fury. "He took Ariana!"

All of a sudden she collapsed to her knees and started to sob uncontrollably. Father kneeled down to her and whispered comforting words.

I sat there unmoving. What about comforting me? Every happened too fast. I blinked at them.

Did I make the right choice?

Arch leaped on to the couch next to me and lay his head on my lap. I tensed for a second, then relaxed and patted his head absent-mindedly "Whats happening?" I whispered. Arch looked up to me, his expression blank. I don't blame him.

I nudged him gently and swept past mother and father into my room. I almost tripped over some boxes that lay uselessly on the ground. I kicked the box in annoyance and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Arch stood at the door, unsure on whether to enter. I opened my arms out to him."Here, boy."

Arch joined me, smuggling at my armpit. I smiled at him, although I didn't feel like it. He was so big that he took most of the bed now.

"I didn't do anything. I couldn't stop Daisy from killing herself. Anyway, what does her death need to do with the Next Generation? NG...whatever. What if he really controls the future?" I stared at Arch imperiously. Even after Steve's sly visit I had tons of questions swimming in my sore head.

Ariana's name rings is my head. Surely she would have come to us if she could. Despite her time taken away from my family I still felt as if I had my own problems to worry about they think about her — maybe Ariana didn't want to come back.

I shook my head at myself, feeling selfish. There were many times that I wanted to endlessly dream of Ariana coming to our house. I imagined her knocking on our door. Mother would huff and puff about visitors but Father would open the door and give a squeal. Yet Ariana would come to my room and link arms with me, telling me that it would be all right and all my duties would go to her. No, we could do them together. With Arch. I rewinded this scene over and over again dreamily.

I slapped my head to jerk back into reality. The NG knew the future and they would take it away from me.

"In the future, when you are screaming and crying for help, remember your answer today," Steve's words haunted me. I hoped they weren't veracious.

One day, would I really be screaming and crying for help? I barely ever cry, no matter what pain hurts me. I don't ever ask for help, I always fantasize myself being confident and independent in my own needs, and one day look up to them proudly and tell myself that I made this happen myself. But what day? It seems ages from here. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want help in this jigsaw Steve deliberately set me.

After all the swirling thoughts that made me quiver, I miraculously fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of Mother calling me to lunch.

I approached the kitchen wearily, wanting to avoid talking with anyone. I sat down consciously and started eating the turkey leg on my plate. Fathers gaze burned on my head for a few seconds, then he started gulping down his own food. I couldn't enjoy the turkey, even though it was one of my favorite meals.

"Your father hunted for once, because you were too lazy in your sleep," Mother said bitterly into the silence.

"Actually, I had a heart. I know you must feel..." Father trailed off miserably.

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