the fluster

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MY EYES COULDN'T leave Harriet's sullen, unmoving body. I couldn't even begin to say how sorry I was. Ariana tugged my arm impatiently but softly. Arch appeared, sprinting over to us. His eyes turned round when he looked at me and then Lady Harriet. It was easy to see who did the fight.

The stall men backed away from me, looking frightened by me. Now, I had an infamous character in Corpsejay and may never be looked at the same way. Ariana beckoned me once more, and I gave one last somber glance at Harriets body, which was now being carried into care. I felt twenty pair of eyes glaring at me in terror, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I would be forced out of the place.

Speechless, Ariana, I and Arch walked home silently. It was if a ghastly spell loomed over us of unpromising, grim silence. The thuds of our feet prodding the ground was the loudest thing in my ears at the moment. My legs led me to the small tasteless house, into Ariana's cellar-like room. She folded her rags methodically and swept past me into Lady Harriets room. She came back with a load of clothes and a backpack, an item I witnessed only twice. I felt guilt claw my heart at taking the old lady's items after I tortured her, but the anger was still there in my body, a fleck throbbing with exasperation. Ariana crammed as many circular bottles of water as she could, as much to fill us for days with little usage.

"What about food?" I wondered out loud. I barley recognized my dim voice, a small squeak from a girl like me.

"We can hunt anytime. I'm sure you still have those skills," Ariana said in a stronger and confident voice. Arch clearly knew that we were leaving. He watched us with solemn eyes as we packed, his tail unmoving.

Ariana leaned downwards to Arch's nose level. Her eyes were fixed on his meaningful collar.

"Whats this?"

"I made it for him. Carved. Like, I mean, whittled. It actually represents us," I murmured casually. "I like to hunt with knives, see. Wolves howl to call for help, or grief, or to a mate. I felt like I should include wolfs speciality into it. I actually find it..." I struggled for the right word, trying to sound optimistic. "Scintillating."

Ariana stared at me for a long moment for which felt like endless years.

"Thats impossible"

I felt quizzical. Have I said something wrong?


She stared at me for a few more seconds, then shook her head. "Where was the stone made in? I never saw such a beautiful stone."

"I don't know," I confessed, feeling good that at least that came out. Obviously, my sister agreed. Humanity was going further than crazy.

"Don't you think that it's...something important?"

"Lets think about it later," I muttered gruffly, not in the mood for more surprise. Ariana opened her mouth to argue, but she swallowed back the retort and nodded slightly. I still didn't confront her about my hallow feelings on her concluded 'death' tomorrow, and I wasn't looking forward on it. I decided to keep my big mouth shut, but fear knotted a new wave every heartbeat. Everything was happening too fast, but I still needed so much to know.

"Where are we going?" I said instead, casually.

Ariana didn't answer for a while, going through her stuff. "I think we should find someone who know about the Next Generation."

I shrugged the suggestion off. "I think we should find something at least close to a save haven."

"Actually, that might be finding our parents!" Ariana perked up, hope twinkling in her lens. I winced at the last word. I had to think fast, and speak smoothly. "No, that won't be necessary. I think we should find..." I bit back the last word. Ariana would think me as a psychopath. I was about to suggest finding Steve to get revenge, but she might think me too fast on thinking things out. I sat back, resting my hands on my lap. At last, someone could look after Arch and I. But I didn't know why I wasn't truly content or optimistic. I still didn't feel the weight disappear off my shoulders. I was so stupid, thinking that if I found Ariana everything would be solved—but no, she was just as scared as I was. I would've given up if I could, but fury and rage drove me onwards; anger is my fuel.

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