the company

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I STARED AT her, stunned. Did Ariana really forget me physically? Her green eyes showed no sign of recognition, not a hint of anything warm from our childhood.

I knew I looked grubby and bloody, with scars everywhere, and probably with stains of dirt on my body, but I still expected my dear sister to remember how I looked even if I was covered in mud everywhere.

"You don't... you don't remember me?" I whispered. Ariana just blinked. Her eyes swiveled to my legs where Arch was gawping at her. Did Arch realize Ariana? His eyes showed nothing but relief.

"Arch?" Ariana gasped "Arch!" she kneeled down automatically and gave Arch a hug. Arch almost knocked her over, licking her all over joyfully. Ariana was laughing, her eyes so happy. I wish I could feel the same again.

I stared at her hardly with expectance. Surely now she would remember me? I felt all my love for her slowly turn to ice. She remembered a wolf, even though most wolf's looked the same, but not her own sister? Maybe Arch was unique in every way, but I still felt horribly left out as Ariana cuddled him for ages.

Then Ariana stood up to face me. Her face filled with final memories of our childhood.

"Finally remember me?" I said crisply. I don't know why I was being rude, I just felt a bit like a fly next to Arch.

"Oh, Cimber!" she yelped, and flew to me to hug me. Part of me wanted to hold my hands stiffly to my side, and the other part of me wanted to squeeze her into an embrace. I chose choice two, letting all my love out. "Oh, Cimber!" she choked again, which sounded more like a plea. I paused my hug.

"Whats wrong?" I asked worriedly, diverted from our greeting.

"Nothing, nothing," Ariana said in a muffled tone. "It's so good to see you! I missed you both. Oh my goodness, I have so many questions! You're looking so well." I knew very well that the last part was a kind lie, but I didn't react. I remembered what I promised myself on what to tell her about father (to not tell her about his death), but the thought of that made me shut my eyes tight to stop myself from howling. Ariana's face crumpled when she saw me, and her voice softened, "Hey, I know a place where we wouldn't be heard. Come." She led me and Arch inside the house.

I was surprised by the inside. It was remarkably like our house at home, with a cosy sofa that was ragged and casual furniture laying around the house. It had only two rooms that fitted more than three people, and a meagre kitchen that had slime dripping on the walls and a grubby steely sink. I never saw a sink before and found this slightly scintillating, but I ignored the urge to examine it. Ariana swept past all the rooms, leaving me to wonder where we were going. We went inside a small room, with grey walls and a dusty floor that wouldn't be surprising if it used to be infested with rats. A stale, old scent hung dreadfully in the air that made my nose wrinkle. A rough, scratchy blanket lay solemnly on the floor with no pillow or mattress to support it. That was the only thing there.

"Welcome to my room." Ariana struggled to sound cheerful.

I was shocked into speech. This was her room? This is where Steve said she would be 'properly cared for'? How could she live in such place!

"This is your room?" I echoed, my voice hoarse in surprise. "Who even looks after you?"

"No one, not really. This house is for Lady Harriet. She lives here, but doesn't like me in her sight. I just need to duck out of her way and hunt outside, so its like I'm not there for her. I'm not sure she likes me anyway. I know her name sounds posh, but she's the grumpy type."

Steve said she would be cared for and nothing was to be worried about. Anger roared in my ears in a fire, and once again I wanted to strangle him. Did her foster mother truly not want her, as if Ariana didn't exist? I would give this Lady Harriet a good talking to once she comes back, as if I was her mother.

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