the daze

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I called out once more uncertainly to my sisters fallen body. My voice was unnoticed by myself, as if I was listening to another poor soul cry out for help. I forced myself to stop sobbing and pulled myself together, exchanging confused glances with Arch. The beautiful wolf prowled over to Ariana and sniffed her cautiously. I was faster, crawled over to her weakly then shaking her.

She can't be dead.

She's not dead.

I give a loud shriek.

Arch blundered an extraordinary howl.

I buried my face in my hands and felt dead myself. Steve reached the horrible extent, and now I will march over to him even if it was the last thing I ever did.

I head a low moan from Ariana, then her flanks heaved and she spluttered awake. The biggest relief bit down my heart and washed over me like water in an uncontaminated lake. Her big green eyes swirled around me when she lifted her head and opened her eyes, looking wary and worn. I patted her mournfully and zipped her rucksack open, brought out a water bottle, and handed it over to her desperately. Ariana was still for a few seconds, then shifted at last. She took a shallow sip then handed the bottle back. Arch watched us, but I noticed that his tongue was hanging out, his taste buds dry with thirst. I tipped the water over so that it trickled out, and Arch drank it. I snapped my attention back to Ariana, who was numbly sitting down, looking dazed.

"What happened?" she croaked frailly.

Did she truly not remember, or was it the effect on the knockout?

I couldn't stop myself from lying. "Nothing, you only barged straight into the tree." I said, stretching my mouth to a hard smile. Oldest lie in the book.

Clearly Ariana wasn't convinced, and she was frowning excessively. Arch was squinting at me, obviously wondering why I was lying to my dear sister. I shook my head at him then turned back to Ariana.

"You need to tell me the truth. Enough goddamn lying, for heavens sake," Ariana's voice toughened up, and she sounded more harsh.

"It is."

"Cimber. Enough lies. I'm serious"

"There's no lies to be serious about. Now, lets get you up."

Ariana refused to be guided by my tactfulness. I tried to help her up.

"Don't touch me."

Surprised by what she said, I blinked. Had her animosity from her encounter with control come back?

"I'm sick of you and your lies. I want the truth now, and if you don't tell me, then i'm better off on my own!"

I was shocked by her impertinence. I was her sister! Why did she care so much about the truth?

"Don't be stupid. You need me! Just like you did today." I couldn't stop myself from adding sarcastically. "You needed me so much that you couldn't walk properly without looking up,"

"Oh, shut up," Ariana snapped. I flinched at her hotness.

"All right, all right." I gave up. "Maybe you didn't walk head first into a tree. What really happened was..." I trailed off and hesitated, in loss of how to explain.

Ariana raised her eyebrows, waiting impatiently.

"There's something I didn't tell you about Steve." I began, and explained how he could control people to threaten me, or even blackmail. But I didn't didn't didn't tell her about my murderous kill on Blair or Dad's death. I just told her that she was being controlled.

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