the freedom

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I CAN'T SAY that I slept at night at all. That would be a lie.

The morning came ever so slow. I despised the underworld of the covers that strangled me and just lay in bed without a duvet, staring up at the ceiling. My clothes were still sodden and I didn't bother to reach to the closet for some clothes. How could I think that this hotel would grant me one of the many things that I lacked; comfort? No matter where I was, discomfort seemed to follow me around. All our stuff—the backpacks, the food, the weapons, (besides my knife from home that was hidden in my boot pocket) and the clothes we foraged for winter. They replaced them with random clothes in the closet with young age sizes, and I had no idea who set that up.

Ms Ash showed up early, embarrassing us all in our meagre appearance, but Ash didn't show any signs of disgust. She just told us to change, take a shower then go downstairs to the lobby. Ariana was the only decent looking one in her clothes and untangled hair, so Ms Ash burrowed her to show her how to use the 'elevator.'

In silence, I waited for Brook to finish her shower. I couldn't believe that I was going to be immaculate for two days in a row. If I ever had a shower, it would be just two or three times a week at most. The water was always freezing, and only once in a lifetime my mother had the time to boil the water. My mother.

I pushed the thoughts away that would make me break into tears, and heard the running water halt. It wasn't long under I heard Brook padding with bare feet out of the bathroom, and I took my turn, swiftly passing Brook who was wrapped up in a towel, and into the bath. I let the hot water clean all the tears embedded in my cheeks and wash all the memories of home. I stayed so long that I began to feel dizzy with heat, so I leaned against the cold bath wall and watched the steam flow around the place in fascination. I remembered my father, and this time I couldn't stop myself. I went back. All the way back to when he was teaching me how to use a knife.

I held the knife by its sharp surface, its cold steel at the palm of my hand,

and I curled my fingers around it. I copied my father, drawing it backward past my jaw, then with great power I surged it forward. The knife spun towards my target, the apple. It pierced through the apple to reveal a crunch sound. The apple toppled to the ground from the knife's weight, and I whooped with satisfaction. Father extended his arms, and I thought he wanted a hug. When I ran into his arms, he picked me up and whirled me around as if I were as light as a feather, and I screamed with dizzy delight.

"I'm proud of you," he said into my ear as I nuzzled into his chest. The smell of mint and sweat was stuck onto his jersey, but what did it matter? I was living the moment.

I realized my skin was burning and pushed my thoughts aside. I switched off the water, then stepped outside, and dried myself with the pristine towel. I had settled my clothes beside me too, a more fitting and pleasant sight. They were more like my size. A faded pink blouse the color of a baby's blanket, and black tights. Maybe even called 'jeggings' according to Ash.

As we got ready, I remembered my dream about the wall. That black glassy wall. I knew that the wall was standing in front of The Cliff, (Cliffton's cliff) and wondered what the folk of Cliffton thought of it.

"Ash," I asked Ash. I was still wearing the towel around the upper top of my body when I asked her, with decent tights on. I was too curious to wait.

"Does Cliffton know about that glassy dark wall?"

Ash didn't look surprised when I asked.

"Yeah, of course. But they have been investigating it for years and still found it uninteresting. Yes, they electrify anyone who touches it. So they just avoid it. It is a very weird thing to have this on earth; as if this wall breaks the law of nature."

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