the hope

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BROOK AND I had the freedom to stay together for the rest of the day but still trapped in the hospital. We were encouraged to drink glasses of water and eat mini sandwiches that the hospital gave out to nurses for free. I never got food so easily, and I ate the sandwiches within seconds. The clean food brings music to my ears and a swelling in my heart.

 Brook and I ate quietly the entire time, not bothered to talk and just living the moment. When we finished, we demanded to see Ariana, (calling her Brittany, and I told Brook the new names I created for them) and after a while of convincing we were family we got to see her. Ariana looked relieved to see us both, and apologetically gave Brook glances because of the bow-hammer incident. Brook just shrugged and smiled whenever she did it, but it was tangible that Brook still felt stiff around Ariana. Deep inside I was just glad that my only friends were safe and right beside me going through this place.

Ms Ash got introduced to Brook and Ariana, and so far the only person I trusted here was Ms Ash herself.

Before we could leave, we were forced an interrogation from the hospital itself.

"We will question only one of you, the one you that will tell the truth," Dr Todd said sternly later that day. "If you answered our questions to our liking, then you will be free to go. Who would like to volunteer?"

"I would," I joined in, without thinking it through. I felt as if that if someone else spoke for us, they wouldn't have explained the ups and downs as smoothly as I could — and we would have to lie. Ariana frowned at me, but Brook shrugged and gave me a heart warming smile.

Dr Todd nodded and gave me the fakest of fake smiles that was probably supposed to reassure me and lead me into a small room that was meant to be for patients, but since it was empty it seemed like I would answer his questions there. Dr Todd sat behind a desk that had a file of sheets and I sat on the white sheeted bed that was like the one I sat on earlier, and it reeked of disinfectant as all rooms. But this was painfully strong, and I scrunched up my nose impolitely as Dr Todd began to quiz me.

"Alright, so lets start with the most simple and logical questions, shall we?" He said in a thick professional accent, as if this turned into a business meeting in all of a sudden. He looked down at the table"Okay, so, where are you from, originally?"

I swallowed. Was I supposed to tell the truth on this one?

"I'm from Corpsejay." I replied with the first city name that came into my head, and even I found it off that I stated my sister's city.

"Are you all?"

"Yes, of course. We're family. Jim is our father, and Mia and Brittany are my sisters."

"Lovely, and moving on... what it Jim's occupation?" Dr Todd asked.

"Occupation?" I echoed dumbly.

"Um, job?"

"Oh...uh..." My throat felt abruptly dry. What should I say? "A handyman," I said through clenched teeth. Dr Todd peered at me, but then glanced back down at his papers and cleared his throat. "Okay, and if you don't mind me asking, where is your mother?"

"Dead," I choked out so I didn't need to think of a lame excuse of where she was.

"So sorry to hear that," Dr Todd said with a grim expression, looking uncomfortable. "For the sake of our records, what was her name?"

"Er...Caroline Coalers," I blurted out, saying my mothers name by accident.

"Ah, Are you not Christian? It says that your fathers name ends with Mason. If you were a Christian your mothers name would have ended with Mason...." The doctor added when he saw my blank expression.

"Well, I guess we aren't Christians," I said quickly.

"Guess?" Dr Todd raised his eyebrows, but said nothing further about it. "Do you have anyone else to look after you while you're father is sick, or an accommodation for the time being?"

"Yeah, we're staying at a hotel," I hoped that answer was reasonable.


"Um...I..." What should I say? Oh goodness, we can't stay alone. "With Ms Ash!"

"Ms Ash? But Ms Ash has her own apartment, and her own children, and as far as I know you barely even know each other." Dr Todd raised his voice.

"But we do!" I protested weakly. "She—"

"I'll speak to her about it tomorrow." He interrupted sharply. "Leave it for now. I think I'll get one of your sisters to take the interrogation now. Don't take this the wrong way, I just think they would have more...humble answers." He said with an emphasis on 'humble'.

I sighed, but I had to admit that this wasn't going well and maybe Ariana and Brook will be able to handle it more smoothly. He swept me outside, and this time Ariana volunteered to be questioned.

When she came out, she winked as Dr Todd opened the door for her, and the doctor said loudly to us that we were free to leave.

"Whatever did you tell her?"

"The truth," She said smoothly.

I gave her a look.

"Okay, some," She giggled uneasily. "But it worked. Don't bother worrying about it; as long as we were able to get out, we're fine, eh?"

I could only hope.

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