the lies

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The howl still rang in my ears. The memory of my dream was hazy and was already beginning to fade away. I closed my eyes again in released, but as soon as I realized that I may need to encounter it again. I refused sleep.

Ariana turned around at my sudden movement, and in less than a flash her arrows was load and pulled onto her string of her bow. I raised my hands in exhaustion and uselessness, and because it was so dark, I could only make out the sudden gleam of the steel arrowhead.

Raising my hands was useless because she couldn't see me, so I croaked quickly "its me. Relax."

I heart Ariana release a sharp exhale, and the sound of her bow resting on the ground again.

It was silent for a little while, so I lay down so that Ariana would think that I was asleep. I used to do that when I was young. When Ariana was still home. We would play pretend games, and when I got a little bored I pretended to sleep so that I wouldn't break it to Ariana the hard way. It was a little rude, but Ariana got the message and took it lightly. Even then, she always knew wether I was faking sleep or not.

I thought that she was fooled at the moment, but Ariana knew me better than that.

"Im scared."

I felt a jolt as soon as she spoke, surprised that she knew I was awake.

I nodded in agreement, even though she had no view of me.

"Me too," I joined in.

"What do you think we're in?" Ariana said.

It was silent again.

"Maybe Brook was right. Maybe we are in some test. Maybe we are really isolated from another world."

"Yes, but...what if there was no other world? Just the NG...?"

The thought made me scrunch up smaller into the ball. My arms and legs felt sore, as if I was really running in the dream. The sick down of my hand bones snapping made me wince again. I imagined what I would have looked like if I really had hit the ground.

But I wasn't that happy that it was just a dream. Death is an option. But as everyone knows, its a rather stupid and worthless one.

I still didn't reply as we both absorbed the peace.

I still remembered the last part of the dream vividly though. But the beautiful howl was the most closest thing to relief when I was falling. But the last verse of the 'He is a monsters nightmare," somehow managed to stay alive in my head.

Who in Gods name was He? This definitely wasn't the first time I had asked myself that question.

I remember how Ariana had witnessed the man going through the whole process of being controlled. I never even asked about how she felt about it, and here she was confiding in her fears without me asking. I felt bad that I wasn't exactly there for my sister when she needed a shoulder to cry on.

"I'm sorry, sis," I cried out softly, meaning every word. The times when I called her 'sis' were extremely rare. It was actually Ariana who began to call me that, and at that time I was so young that I squealed when she said it with laughter.

"No, i'm sorry. I've been so obstinate, just making things a whole lots harder for you without realizing what you're in. You are so young, and yet I've seen those emotions in you're eyes that you are unhappy. Just look at our brilliant timeline. A tornado destroys our lives and tears our family apart, Steve sends controlled people to haunt you, you get lost with Arch in the forest with no food and water, then you get shot in the shoulder." Ariana blurted out, and I heard her sniff. Thats when I knew she was sobbing, but crying for me.

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