the isolation

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THE ANGER BUBBLING inside me didn't leave me alone. I looked around for another hour or too, foraging what I could find. My throat was so dry that I was on the verge of fainting. I had to find water, yet how?

All the streams or water storages were either empty or dried away. I felt a deep pain in my gullet whenever I swallowed. I tried not to. But thinking about it made me want to swallow.

The destruction was endless, and it carried on for miles and miles. I had no idea wether the tornado attacked the further end of the country without the city noticing, or wether that one tornado just caused that much damage. I didn't even have enough body fluids in me to cry.

"Is anyone there?" I tried to call out, but I could barely hear my own hoarse voice. It hurt to speak.

Inhale, Exhale. I told myself to keep breathing and everything would be all right.

How could the Next Generation even form a tornado? Humanity would never possibly go that far. The fire blasts didn't make sense too, if they weren't bombs in the ground. I never head any ticks. Maybe they were land mines? Possibly. Mother told me very little about those kinds of things and gun powder. I never even seen a gun, but mother described it to me and what it down, how I should always stay away from it. Steve said that they were just guns to make people sleep, but I didn't know how to believe him. It doesn't matter anymore anyway, because there is no one to put to sleep. I kept wandering around mindlessly for water. I cant even survive for a day. I was already starting to feel light headed.

But even worse, the verses that both Morgan and Daisy mentioned before their deaths terrified me.

I snapped my attention to the real world and forced myself to think non theoretically.

Where should I even go? The world stretched forever, and if Steve destroyed all of it, then he would've destroyed himself. No, he's a jerk, he wouldn't sacrifice himself. Obviously he just destructed my city's area.

I had to force myself to believe it. Was it even my fault when Steve gave me a choice to choose between him and no one? Steve wanted me to think that I made a stupid decision. I don't even know how to act with myself. I can't just pretend what I think and what I don't, it no use and a waste of time. But I also cant just sit here feeling sorry for myself.

Every time I passed a dead body I checked the body three times over to check for breathing. No luck. I still wish the tornado had just eaten me up, because i'm starting to feel guilty for surviving and others just dying.

I checked one old lady's body was a baby huddled on her chest. My head jerked in horror when I saw them on the ground. I rushed towards them and checked them.

Abruptly I head a tiny little wheeze. I frantically picked up the baby, the weight of barley two kilograms, and patted its back. It started to breathe properly.

I could have cried from joy. But I had no idea on what to do with the baby. I never saw anyone raise a child. The baby started crying, a harsh cry that was breaking my heart.

"Serla!" The lying lady body on the ground groaned. I bent down to her immediately, gasping ."What?"

"Take care of my baby girl, Serla." The lady coughed half heartedly "Please! I tried to- to save her. I tried, I tried—!"

"I will. I know you did." I croaked, trying to swallow.

The lady choked and spluttered, tears spurting down her face. I wanted to scream. I wanted to heal her. I wanted to do something, I should have, but I was so helpless. I never felt so useless in my life, watching a mother die. Her face was dry and dark, mixed with emotions. "I will take care of your baby," I tried to reassure her, but it was too late. The lady gave a last breath and slumped backwards, her eyes bleary with sadness. I kneeled over until my head touched the ground, the baby squashed in my arms. It didn't stop crying. I did strange noises as if I couldn't maintain myself. I had to get up and do something.

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