the ride

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I WOKE UP with a start. Everything seemed normal. The sun shined in my face, and the sound of birdsong filled the air.

I heard the low rumble of a growling engine. I was on my feet in seconds.

A large sized vehicle with a large med kit symbol was standing a few meters away from us. Ariana was just blinking herself awake, while Brook stirred herself.

Brian wasn't beside her.

Brook obviously realized and her expression went wild, tearing her hair out, filled with worry. I was a little busy gaping at the sudden appearance of the truck like vehicle in front of us, and heard a mumble of voices inside it. Ariana held her bow cautiously, looking curiously at the vehicle. Brook started to scream Brian's name.

"Brian? Brian!"

I felt a wisp of breath on my shoulder and automatically whipped around. Ariana already had a loaded arrow pointed over my shoulder, all ready to release a fatal arrow.

"Hey, Don't shoot!" the voice from behind me screeched. I saw a lady with a very pointed chin, almond shaped eyes and wispy brown hair. She wasn't very tall, but she was still above my height. The lady raised her hands over her head to show that she was weaponless and harmless. The way that she was totally pristine shocked me. Someone who was in the forest for a while would never be that clean.

"Who the hell are you?" I shouted in a daze.

"Don't worry, we're here to help," she replied. We?

"Where's my brother? Where did you take him?" Brook challenged, already diving for her own bow.

"He's in the ambulance!" the woman shrieked fearfully."He's in the ambulance!"

Ariana lowered her bow then threw a glance at Brook. Brook swiftly dropped everything then darted towards the so-called ambulance. Before she could pull the protruding handles from the back doors, two men opened them for her from the inside. Brook disappeared inside.

"Why is he in there?" Ariana hissed.

"We're helping you, girls. He will be taken straight to the hospital." the woman replied, a hint of pride sparkled in her eyes.

"What" I whispered, sure that she didn't here me, but I didn't have the strength to speak louder.

Unfortunately, she did. "You can come with us. Well. Unless you want to live in the wild for the rest of your lives," she said, waving her hand vaguely to the trees that led deeper into the forest.

"Where are you from?"


The name brought a jolt of hope into my body, surprisingly. I figured that we couldn't get anymore luckier than this.

"Will you take us there?" my sister asked desperately.


"How did you find us?"

"Cliffton organizes medical patrols when we are told to."

Before I could let it all sink in, Brook burst out of the ambulance, shouting, while the two medical men hung on to her arms to steady her.

"What are you doing to Brian? Why is there a mask on his face? Let me go!" Brook screeched, and we all knew no one could beat Brook in a battle of fury. With great ease she slammed the man's hand off her right shoulder, then smacked her left elbow into the second mans chest. The both released her, clutching their sides.

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