the excruciation

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WE ALL GOT a check up individually. As soon as we got there Brook got a crazy idea about Brian being injured, and demanded to see her brother. So we were all split, with Ariana being separated in the opposite check up room from mine. The nurse who checked me sounded like a bee buzzing in my ears as I felt so cold and lonely. The room had a small television, and at first I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

Then the words: Disaster in Prime Lake School Strikes caught my attention, and I jerked my head up so violently.

On the little HD screen, a woman was talking with a microphone in one hand, with the destroyed school in the background. The police, cars and ambulances were still there, and the pictures were swapping to images and videos of the inside damage, the police officers theory, and along with bags.


Giant bags. Bags big enough to fit people in. Only children, though.

A sob escaped my throat.

"Witnesses explained that a team, who's name we would like to keep within our barriers, has damaged the school and blackmailed a girl called Cimber Coalers," The woman on the screen informed the world, "School registration officers who have eluded the treachery show proof that no one in the school was registered in any form with that name, along with the threatened friends: Brook and Ariana Coalers. Teachers may have found prospects, but none matched with the names. Soon after that, the man speaking through the school speakers has been brave and gave the life of many to rid of this terrible girl, Cimber Coalers, who killed over a hundred."

I snatched up one of the hard metal substances on the tray beside the nurse and launched it right at the television screen. The nurse shrieked as the object collided with the screen, and a large monstrous crack appeared on the top right corner.

The TV screen went black. I didn't know how to feel. Angry, shocked, terrified, remorse or broken?


Now Cliffton believes that Steve's actions was an act of pure risk and bravery, and that he had to give up children's lives to kill me; something so hated and dangerous.

What did I do to anyone?

Surely now everyone knew someone named Cimber was responsible for the death of fifth and sixth graders, and any parents of those, including Ash, would kill me if they knew that without question.

I had to get out of here.

The whole city will be after me, and I didn't think that it would take much time to catch me. A name and registration was the only thing keeping me intact, but how much time will it take for Steve to say out loud that I was the one? Of course he would put my life at stake in this city.

I had to tell myself that it didn't happen yet. Not yet.

The nurse was still baffled, looking at me serenely.

"Do you need a doctor? Are you hurt?" She asked anxiously. I stared back at her, not quite concentrating on what she was saying, so I just continued to think. The nurse squinted at the TV and sighed, shaking her head in disapproval, and I didn't blame her.

I was aware of movement by the door. Nurse Dia poked her head into the room, and said, "You have a visitor, Celestia. Riley, I need your help with our patient,"

Riley nodded to Dia and swept past me, oblivious to the broken television. As soon as she left, another crumpled figure entered the room.

"Ash," I acknowledged limply. My former friend looked terrible; her eye shadow make up was drizzling down her pale skin from tears, and her glossy black hair was in lumps, and a wave of an emotion stronger than grief was clear in her gaze. I was sure that she was going to take a running kill to me within any second. But instead, she held up her shaken hands, something glittering in her eyes. At first I thought she was just doing an awkward position, but then I realized she was extended her arms for a hug.

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