the female

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ARCH PRETENDED TO sleep while everyone else drifted into a deep slumber. Ariana Coalers' eyes were fixed in front of her, so if Arch tried to slip away, she wouldn't notice.

The soft sound of Cimber Coalers breathing filled his ears, and the light snoring of Brian Works was hanging in the air. Brook took longer to sleep, but Arch noticed after a while that she was twitching in cause of a nightmare.

Arch made sure that Ariana Coalers was not focusing on him, then crept away, the sound of his paws hitting snow invisible to all ears. When he was far away he broke into a run, his paws now slapping the snow. Arch desperately wanted to see the she-wolf again, and drown in her gaze. Arch used his nose mostly in the darkness, even though his sight worked well here. He dodged the tree's carefully, then gracefully leaped over small streams. Arch soon began to slow down, and when he arrived at the tree fort, his forepaws were trembling from exhaustion. At least it was a chilly night with the warmth of his heavy glimmering coat. The familiar tree's that he passed earlier with the humans were still in a fixed position, all grouped together unnaturally. The leaves bowed down to the roaring wind, and the roots of the tree's clung on to the ground as the tree's rocked slightly.

Taking a deep breath, Arch raised his muzzle to the night air and howled softly, short and meaningful.

Arch waited. Waited. Waited.

He began to doubt that the wolf would come. He whined into the darkness wishing that she would come. The trees were getting impatient with his presence, and the wind rumbled in his wake, whipping his face ferociously. The more Arch waited the colder he got.

Then Arch heard a creak in the distance, then a golden coat lit up the dark, then two eyes shone in the darkness.

"Pearl!" Arch called out, unable to hide his relief. Pearl trotted over to him. To Arch she looked even more majestic in the dark, and her eyes stood out so vividly.

"Arch," She barked, then stood in front of him, greeting him by touching noses.

"I'm glad you came." Arch mumbled.

"You thought I wouldn't come, didn't you?" Pearl replied, but continued before he could answer, "I'm sorry that I was late. It was hard work getting past my pack. They stay up all night, and I had to mutter some excuses. Anyway, why did you call?"

Arch was left stuttering for the right answer.

"Think fast!" Pearl yelped, then plunged onto Arch, slashing his face with sheathed claws in her pads.

Arch felt delight, then scrabbled back with her, as they play fought gently.

Suddenly the she wolf froze.

Arch sensed her tension and held himself back.

Pearls' eyes turned cold. Arch flicked an ear, his heart thumping.

"You...You don't smell or feel right," Pearl sniffed in disdain.

Arch flinched like she hit him, "I don't know what you mean..."

"Your pelt," She cut him off, "looks like it's made of a thousand crystals. Wild or not, not even the most Godliest wolf would ever have a look like yours."

She was not complimenting; she was acting suspicious. At that moment they both stared at his silver fur, as it gleamed in the moonlight.

"You are not wolf," She whined, and she began to back away.

"No," Arch yelped, "I am wolf!"

"You won't ever be..." Pearl was slowly creeping backwards, a tail tucked between her legs. With eyes like two suns, and fur ruffled, she bared her teeth with menace.

"Pearl, please," Arch begged, lowering his head in defeat. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated.

"You," she snarled, "you're a pathetic excuse of a wolf."

On the last word, she turned tail and tore away from Arch's pleading stare, skidding ungracefully into the tree's.

Arch didn't try to go after her. Instead, he sat patiently, staring into the direction she fled, as if she would come back.

But the she-wolf didn't.

Feeling bitter, feeling hate against his own existence and who he could become at anytime, Arch waited until dawn. 

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