the bullet

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BROOK PRACTICED WITH me for the rest of the week, but I always ended up in destroy. I was always too slow, even though I always knew what to say and how to react. But maybe seeing Brook hurt in diminish and divert slowed me down, but I felt too hazy to remember when I woke up. I discretely welcomed it, because I wouldn't have known how to live if I remembered the image of Brook in terror. We started to have a strange bond, and Ariana was no help to it. She still loathed Brook and refused any help from them.

Promising action occurred on the on those days. Brian reported seeing a whole troop of NG hunters.

"I could have beat them all up," he scorned fitfully, but Brook didn't permit him to do so. Everyone, besides Ariana, knew that Brook was the leader and wisest of us all.

"Causing a fight will just draw more attention. We should take them out silently, show the NG what we're made of. I'm sure for a fact that Brian will enjoy this."

I never knew Brook was actually bloodthirsty against the NG, but I didn't care all the same. But it was good to have her on our side, with her bow skills and all.

"Last time I saw them they were heading for the clearing, so that means they'll pass here by tomorrow. To do a stealth hunt, its pretty easy. They're just like prey," Brook exclaimed, "just creep up on them. But I'm afraid only archers can do the first kills." Throwing an apologetic glance at scowling Brian, Brook continued, "Ariana and I will take on the first two people in the tree's with arrows."

Despite this command Ariana gave a snort of pleasure. I noticed that Brook make the right decision because not only did it please Ariana but they would make a great team as two extraordinary archers.

"Cimber, you'll go with my brother and attack around the back. As soon as our arrows kill the first people you go for them. They're was only six as I remember, so we'll just go with the flow on who kills who. Arch, you're going to stay at the cave to guard it, because we can't leave it exposed. Be ready."

I sat in the darkness at the mouth of the cave, taking the night watch. Brian usually did that while Brook taught me about Oblivion, but all those countless expressions at diminish and divert always woke me up with a shock, leaving me wondering if I slept at all. I decided I would be more use not sleeping anyway. Ariana confronted me about the dark circles visible under my eyes, and Brook seemed concerned too. I felt nothing towards the fight the next day, just glaring at the view. Tree's played with my vision, the moon dancing in the sky. Only a few stars decide to join the moon today, making me feel as lonely as the moon itself. Brook said that the sun died everyday for the moon, but at least the moon had some company. Even though Arch was snoozing peacefully at my side, I felt isolated from everyone else.

The forest was silent. I saw no reason to just stay watching the forest in front of me for eight more hours. I checked if my knife was still safe in my back pocket then crept off into the night.

The sound of grasshoppers surrounded me and the breeze slightly ruffled my hair. It reminded me so much of hunting in my old forest, the peacefulness of no disturbance. I could feel part of the natural world again.

The thought of Steve and all of my animistic worries vanished as I skipped into the trees. I didn't worry about getting lost because I memorized this part of the area as much as I knew my name. The air around me urged me forward.

I wondered if I could just disappear forever and never come back, but where would that get me? Steve had cameras in God knows where and it will only set my sister, Brook and Brian worrying and searching for me everyday. I could probably survive with the knife, but after a year of not talking I may forget how to. Or not know how to communicate. Or think like the animals I hunt and open my arms to fly, which I always dream to do.

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