the destruction

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THE TORNADO UBIQUITOUSLY swirled, plastered in front of my eyes. It looked as if it was hesitating. I willed it to move on, to crush me, to kill me. Yet it just whirled in its spot, tugging me towards it. I stayed rooted to the spot, silent.

It stops. It actually stops. It paused as if it was hesitating, reluctant to kill me.

It calmed down, the winds forces slowing down into melodic beats.The little dusts of clouds seemed to surge back upwards, back to its own place. The clouds over my head halted, smokes of dust getting slower and slower.The blast of wind stopped itself, and the tornado no longer faced me. The rain stopped. The yells stopped. The fires blasts stopped. The ground was still. Like it didn't happen.

I strained my ears, suddenly wanting to hear someone. But the whole place was silent. I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or not. What if this wasn't real and I was already dead, just seeing this vision just because I really wanted to? Or did I really want to continue?

My surroundings. It was all destroyed. I was one person in the middle of shards, isolation, ashes and lying bodies on the ground.

If I could describe the world in one word, it would be destroyed. So much blood, so many crashed houses, so many pieces of objects lying wounded on the floor like broken glass. Smoke drifted relentlessly above my head. My surroundings are gray, brown, gray, brown. But the bodies on the floor was shocking as everything. People lay twisted in agony, their faces worn with a silent plea. Not one house stood normally. Not one house was at least three feet tall. They were torn open, empty and silent. I felt like the only creature on earth at the moment.

I blink. Once. Twice.

I have to wake up. I need to wake up from the nightmare. I can almost see myself, lost in this world. I cant even take it in. I drop to my knees, the weight on my shoulders too heavy for me to carry. My father. No...

I banged my arm to wake up. I beat my fists on the ground in panic, picked up some piece of wood and threw it. I tore my hair and kneeled over, tears rolling down my cheeks. My father was gone. This was no nightmare.

Hello reality.

I stayed in a tight ball for a while, my face buried in nothingness, my brain hitting me with thoughts every second. I had no one, no one, no one.

"Somebody!" I cried out, "Anybody! Help!"


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I screamed furiously, losing it. This cant be happening. Everyone was dead, I was alone, my worst nightmare I ever had. I staggered to my feet, and looked around again. I was on some kind of cliff or hill, the edge of the cliff broken and scattered. I wondered if there was anything underneath. I was scared, too. I swallowed the bullet in my throat and tried to stop my tears. I peered over the edge of the stiff rock, clutching the sides fearfully.

I stare, my mouth open. No sounds come out. My throat and lungs are screaming as sand drowns my breath. Slowly, I stand up, not caring about falling anymore.

The world underneath me looks like an underworld. The land had no grass nor a normal floor. Everything had been pulled upwards by the tornado. Little black pieces filled the place, and not even a house survived. The darkness stretched through the whole place, looming shadows creeping like a disease. I stared as far as I could until my eyes watered again. Things that looked like seaweeds swarmed over random places, and silver shards slept through piles of dirt. Nothing human-like was in this view. Even the air smelled dusty and crestfallen, weak from the savage attack. I shuddered even though it wasn't cold at all and held my arms. I felt so lonely and hopeless. I wish that I could have powers and heal the world together, and in a flash everything would be rebuilt. I would go backwards in time, and never let go of Father.

I would protect Daisy from everything. I would stop arguing with Mother and hold her together. I would gaze at Arch's beautiful icy eyes all day and go through a ride in the snow for years. I would also hold Ariana's soft hands forever and go hunting with her everyday.

If only I could do everything. I never knew how much I wanted somebody before I lost them. I gulped and tried not to cry again, even though I didn't need to worry about decency or public harassment. I wasn't even an embarrassment to nature. This wasn't nature at all, this was death that hangs in the air.

"In the future, when you are screaming and crying for help, remember your answer today." Steve's warning echoed in my head. I whispered it. I looked up to the sky, as if I could see his airy eyes glaring down at me from upwards.

Steve's told me this would happen. He took people's lives so I could join his rebellion. Steve did this. Steve is the one that destroyed what was called a world.

I will find Steve. I will kill him even if I need to with my bare hands.

The world has changed.

The world has changed, changed, changed. 

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