the wolf

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ARCH FLEXED HIS unsheathed claws on the ground, trying to prove to those outrageous, wild predators that he meant business. The wolf pack snarled in return, eyes glittering coldly. The yellow eyes secretly made Arch feel sick to his stomach, but in a wolf code, wolves must be free and defensive. Kindness to one another that was not approved to unnecessary neighbors, and that was like breaking the law of predatory. He growled menacingly, tail raised. The air smelled like a mix of tension and wolf dirt, with a touch of human blood that promised the wolves the last recent meal they had. Arch was hugely outnumbered, but it was his job to protect Cimber Coalers.

For now.

Arch raised his head, but not to show defiance, but haughtiness was somewhere in his gaze. A large wolf, larger than them all with the darkest and deadliest opaque pelt, edged his way through the crowd of excited, bloodthirsty wolves and stepped in front of Arch, cocking his head to one side.

"Tame, human raised wolf," The leader wolf sneered, curling his lip to reveal blood coated teeth. Arch sniffed again disapprovingly, noting how stank the leader and his pack smelled.

"Wolves like me can defy any law. Only the ones who dare can do this." Arch growled.

"Wolves like you? You wolf can't take care of yourself. You need Human to feed you, give you beds, and give you warmth on cold days." The leader snickered, then cast his eyes to Arch's covered throat. "Look! This human raised wolf wear a choker! A sign of humiliation might as well be printed on your forehead. How can you wolf accept some collar? Ridicule!"

"No," Arch spat. "Wolves like me can live at any cost. I am named Arch, which is very well a wild name. My collar is nothing to be ashamed of, for it does not explain who I am. We are free to decide."

"Since when do we need the humans to teach us about life? We wolves are free to roam, never touched by animal or human. You know nothing on life." The leader licked his lips, as if wondering wether to eat Arch on the spot.

Arch pondered. He was taught by several that the key to winning a war was not to fight, but to make peace and compromises. The leader was obsessed with being a raging wolf and being wild. If Arch could make a pact, then not only will the wolves prove to be useful, but also to help. Arch glanced slowly at the wolves that surrounded the leader, eyeing Arch's companions with hunger gleaming in their yellow eyes.

Arch raised his hollow voice to address all. "You seem to have the brink of death in your eyes, so why don't we make a deal? If you leave us in peace, I promise you a war. Death. A fight against humans that will teach them all about the true meanings of you free wolves. Plenty of blood to feast on. They wear black, and hate all wolf."

The leaders mouth hung open as if he was going to spit back a retort without thinking, but then he closed it and looked at Arch thoughtfully. Arch glanced down at the leaders paws, which were like monster paws compared to Arch. He was at least twice his size, and if there was a fight between a cold glare contest, Leader would win too. Arch caught glimpse of a different color pelt among the crowd, right at the leaders tail. It was a female with a golden coat, with the same amber eyes yet a warm gaze in them. Arch couldn't help gaping at the beautiful wolf, and they both caught each others gazes, melting in the colors of both of their eyes. Suddenly the beautiful female broke the moment, looking away as if in discomfort. Arch tried to catch her eye again, but then the leader bellowed in his face again, "How would we know when the war begins?"

"You'll know," Arch snapped back immediately. "I will summon a piercing howl that you cannot miss. It will awaken the whole forest. I will keep howling until you are in my sight. Is that clear?" Arch enjoyed being in control, and the glares of awe among the wolf crowd.

"Then it's a pact." Leader growled, but not in an ill manner,

"If it doesn't happen within a while, then I promise you that we will trace you back and kill you all in your sleep."

Arch didn't flinch, just stood tall and drank in the news. He simply kinked his tail in acknowledgement and waited.

The leader curled his lip for the final time and turned around, fleeing to the forest.

While his companions were distracted, Arch raced over to the golden sun pelted she wolf and stopped her. The she-wolf gazed into Arch's blue eyes without a word.

"Please. Tell me your name." Arch whined. He didn't mean to sound desperate. But this she-wolf seemed like the warmest of the pack according to her cool eyes, and he never had someone of his own kind that he could see.


"Pearl," She replied at last, in a deep feminine voice.

"Pearl, will you meet me tomorrow night at the tree fort? I will howl once, that only the awake wolves shall hear, away from my companions."

The beautiful female bore into Arch's eyes.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can. I can't convince you. But it's to discuss an important matter."

More silence.

"All right...Arch?" Pearl smiled into his gaze one more time.

"Come on Pearl. Your mate wants to have a meeting immediately." The last wolf called over to them, throwing a dark glare to Arch.

Arch felt something miserable stir inside him at this news. Of course this golden eyed wolf had a mate.

"Farewell, Arch The Compromiser." Pearl whispered, then ran into the darkness, into the precipitous mountains of darkness.

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