the crash

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THAT VOICE KEPT me suspicious for ages. I repeated those strong words in my head, quivering again. I felt my ear just in case there was some kind of speaker, but it felt soft and firm as any normal ear would be.

"Who are you?" I called out, but it felt embarrassing to say it out loud in front of Arch. The voice was too low for him to hear, but I didn't say anything about it. Maybe I was hallucinating? I had to be. I just had to.

No, I wasn't.

I needed to focus on my task and forget about all those 'little things'. It felt absolutely ridiculous to say such thing because it felt important, but I pushed the feeling away.

I need to get to those houses. I haven't seen such a sight in a while. I had already marked where we should go back at the tree, so I was ready. Something in my mind was telling me not to go... yet where else could I go?

I remembered how everyone was running for the forest when the tornado happened. I felt a sudden surge of hope rising in me. Maybe they headed for the houses? They seemed so far away. It would take ages to get there however I did have the right power in my legs to get me there, so I could get going. My throat was already aching again though. How could I be so stupid? I had no water. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I never


want to feel the same pain of thirst again.

"Oh Arch, I don't want to feel thirsty again. Water is a big problem," I obviously stated. Arch whined and pawed his muzzle in distress. He didn't know more than I did. In fact he knew less. I had to be the one in charge. I need to stop telling myself that someone will bob out of the blue and take over. I didn't like being in charge, I didn't want to be in charge, I just wanted to be that girl who has parents to sort everything out, comb my hair and repeating that everything was going to be alright. Well, I knew the truth so it was useless saying that to myself.

I just need to wake up.

I'll show how confident I am against Steve. Im not the least bit afraid of him, not flinching against his technology and not caring.

Wow. Im trying to convince no one but myself.

I drummed my fists against the ground, trying to think about the best route towards those houses. I pictured what I saw and tried to make up some kind of plan. I was perplexed to a limit where I was back to wondering if I was dreaming, but in the end, there was a single way. Just straight through the forest. Nothing big.

"Come on, Arch" I tried to say out enthusiastically; my voice groaned out soon enough, "We have a long journey ahead of us."

We walked towards the tree that I passed, and kept on walking. I hoped to god that I was going the right way, and that I wouldn't get lost in the future. The sun was shining directly in front of my eyes.

Just follow the sun. Easy.

We trekked past countless identical tree's that never left each other, and narrow paths that were unforgiving. Sometimes me and Arch had to squeeze through with difficulty, wheezing and grunting. We walked until the trees's roots clambered in my vision and got stuck there until I was literally blinded. Dancing leaves among the wind whirled inside my head, and I had to sit down before I would knock myself out. Arch seemed happy enough for a break, panting ever so loudly, his tongue lolled out in a comical way. We both thumped down and rested, taking deep breaths. I didn't realize how far we went because I was so drowned in my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and felt sudden pain shoot down them as if I didn't blink for days. It felt so good to close them and endure the pain. Of course, before a matter of time I had to open them. Everything came out in a blur and it took ages to get my sight back to normal.

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