the despair

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THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUED sending shudders through my spine as I thought about it. As soon as I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes, causing me to squint.

"Blair..." I mumbled "Blair..."

She wasn't there.

I shot up to my feet. Where was she? Was she hunting? She could hurt herself!

I felt panic shake my limbs, hoping and praying that she was going to come back any second. Did anything happen to our sleep? Arch was still sleeping safe and sound, his flanks rising and falling. I told myself to calm down, though my heart was beating wildly in my chest.

"Blair!" I called out loudly as possible. I called again. And again. Arch heard and woke up, sniffing around as if he forgot where he was. "Can you sniff Blair, boy?" I gabbled to him, wanting to seize him and shake him to make sure he was awake. Arch's nose shot to the ground, trying to uncover her scent.

But Blair was already there. She was standing in front of us.

Her eyes were bloodshot.

Her face showed nothing but insanity.

Blair was trembling all over, her eyes filled with hatred and resentment. My heart fell as I remembered the same look in Mr Works's eyes. Apart from Mr Works's, I never saw such a fierce anger burning in someone. Blair breathed heavily, her fists clenched and beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Blair?" My voice came out wobbly. Blood trickled again from her covered injury, draining down her arms and dripping to the floor. I dared step closer, foolishly pretending as if she didn't have that look on her face and went to examine her arm before I could stop myself.

"Don't touch me," She spat furiously, jerking backwards as if I kicked her. I felt confused and afeared. Why did her attitude change enormously? What did I ever do?
Again, that horrible feeling I had with Mr Works.

"This is a message from Steve," her iciness made me freeze.


Steve was controlling her.

"You better come to me, Miss Coalers. You infuriatingly chose not to live the life of the NG and experience what the outside world was like, and look at what I promised you," Blair pointed around, indicating her wound. "More people will die. If you don't kill Blair, another horror strike will hit the earth."

My heart stops.

"Worse than the tornado. Worse than the most recent natural disaster each time. The survivors will die if my death is not taken, and next time if you refuse to kill someone else, a worse disaster will kill more survivors. Im not going to ever back down, Miss Coalers. You stole a price- and now," Blair's voice rises. "Its time to pay for it."

Blair looked crazy. Controlled. As if she was fighting the urge to say those things. After all, she was.

"No, no, please, please!" I sobbed. "I can't do this!"

"Then kill the rest of the earth. I will attack another country. It's your choice, Miss Coalers. Blair or the world?" Blair forced herself to say.

Blair or the world?

Mr Works or the world?

Daisy or the world?

All this time. This is how Steve was torturing me.

"Blair, please, please, please! You don't know what you're doing!" I screamed. Steve wasn't bluffing last time.

I darted up to her before I could think twice, and grabbed her good arm, "Blair. Blair, no. Blair, you can't do this."

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