the cry

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AFTER AN IMPATIENT period of waiting for Arch to end his 'lunch,' We cast off again into the tree's. Those hateful things.

I wasn't really focusing, just in a hazy layer of dreaming about myself at home, regretting my arguments with mother. I still didn't know where she was, and I didn't even try to find her.

Suddenly Ariana halted abruptly that I barged into her, nearly knocking her over.

"Stop moving!" she hissed, her chin raised to the air as if she was trying to detect something.

"Why? What are you doing?" I fidgeted, Arch breathing softly at my legs.

Ariana's mouth was parted as she gaped behind my shoulders. What had she seen?

I spun around hastily to see.

I didn't believe it myself. Anyone would have expected to see a dozen more tree's in other path, but a wall interrupted it so the path no longer continued. There was a wall all right. But a wall of black glass.

My brain was forced into action and thought. I curiously walked closer to it to examine it. It loomed darkly over my head, disappearing above the clouds. I peered through the glass, expecting to see something extraordinary behind it. Yet I couldn't see a thing. It was very strange, just bleakness carrying on after the layer of glass, if it was just one fat layer, or even a thin sheet. I turned my head across and saw it stretching endlessly to probably the other side of earth.

"What the hell is this?" Ariana stammered.

Without thinking, I raised my finger to touch it.

"No!" Ariana charged into me and slammed my hand away. "God knows what its made of."

"Glass, obviously," I urged. Who would have the power to create such a massive structure?

"If it was glass then we would have been able to see through it," Ariana retorted lightly. "This world is strange, Cimber. Just get used to it."

Her words echoed. How could I get used to this exhausting, overwhelming and dangerous new earth?

"Why would their be glass here anyway?" I let my curiosity flow. "Maybe it's separating us with something." A surge of idea's exploded in me. "Oh my lord, maybe it's the NG behind it! Or maybe the real safe world where the NG can't control us is there! Or maybe its fake. Maybe nothing is behind it and its just a contraction site. Wait, no, it cant be. Maybe its—"

"Hold it," Ariana broke in. "I don't think it has anything to do with the Next Generation. It's not our first concern either." But she didn't look too sure, despite her words.

"It has to be. Who can create such a wall like this?" I argued.

"How would you know that?" Ariana snorted gently.

"I dare say they did the same with the tornado. Magically. Otherwise they wouldn't threaten me with more if they could do it anytime, would they?"

At the corner of my eyes, In a frozen moment, I got distracted by Arch leaning forwards to sniff it, his nose nearly connecting with the dark cool surface.

I stretched out to stop him — a fraction too late. As soon as he leaned to it for inspection, we heard a terrifying stroke of lightning cut through the air. A ripple wave spread out from the point in where my wolf touched it, going in each direction the same way a wave would, like a pool of water. The worst part was Arch's howl of pain running through the forest, and the shock and sparks of electricity spitting from the wall where Arch connected with it. A second deafening roar filled the sky like a thunder bolt, but then everything went silent.

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