the nightmare

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FALLING ASLEEP IN seconds, I seemed to stand in the line of my last dream and thoughts. Should I get to understand the same dream as yesterday better, or should I enter Oblivion?

I felt too tired to even realize what was going on though. Arch was waiting for me again, tail kinked. Waiting. Those eyes seemed to be nonchalant. I wondered what he was thinking. The forest around me rustled softly, whispering messages to tug me forward. Leaves danced peacefully at my feet to the gentle wind as it weeped.

I leaned forward to hear those whispers and make out what they were saying. It was coming from more than one voice.

"Follow...see what you can...death...."

"Break it....shatter....divert..."

"Trust the wolf...deadly world..."

"Trust to seek...who is...enemy...."

Feeling puzzled and perplexed, I tried to block out the sounds from my head. The sounds rose in volume and got louder, terrifying me to the point where I kneeled down in failure.

"Go forward."

Brook was standing in front of me, looking pale as if she lost lots of blood.

"What were you hiding?" she said above all the whispers, "what didn't you tell us?"

This wasn't the Brook I remembered. She looked to unreal, and she wouldn't question me like that-she knew how to deal with situations without asking. Her forehead lines were too hardened...and yes... her eyes. Not blue enough. So light.

Light and gray, just like Steve's.

I turned around my heels and ran into the darkness as I wanted to last time. The whispers filled my head, and those piercing blue eyes froze in my head.

I slammed against a barrier as Brook appeared in front of my path. Without a poof. Just like that.

I bit down and screamed, but my heavy breaths made no difference. I panted and gasped, trying to push away all the branches that emerged to my view. I felt Brook's breath against my shoulder, and the whispers now turned to screams alive in my head.

"Get away!"


"Go to the wolf!"

"Just approach death already."

"She's too young."

There was no time to wonder about what the voices were saying. I wasn't exactly listening anyway. I was too intent on getting away. I didn't dare look around in case Brook was chasing me, and I knew that girl was incredibly light on her feet.

I could almost hear the ground pattering behind me, but the fear in my chest seemed to have squeezed the life out of my heart.

"A nightmare of nonchalance, a leader of despair,

His loyalty shall not deceive you..."

The sound of those two verses bring back several recent memories, and this time I had to release a high pitched scream. Those sounds were coming from no where, and the whispers haunted me, never giving a second for breath.

Branches with knife tips tore at my skin, and I felt like my muscles were burning from the heat of the rush and my skin no longer a part of my body. Blades seemed to have cut through my dreams and sank in me, and the pain was surreal. My collarbone was so numb that I considered it was going to dislocate soon, and my legs were supposedly falling off. But I kept running, and the darkness never adjusted to my eyes. I was just in the darkness. No stars, no tree's, but maybe the worst possible danger in front of me or behind me. I begged for light, and lots of obstacles kept tearing through my skin. When I though I could no longer run and I would turn deaf, I gave a final plunge. I expected myself to hit the ground in agony, but I tumbled into a dark hole, the ground no longer there. Down and down I fell into the abyss that my enemy set me into.

"Distrust him once, he distrusts you for eternity."

My hands were outstretched in front me, just incase I was about to thump onto the ground.

Beware of its bewildering glare,

Befriend it...

I didn't know where up and down was. I was just flailing downwards, going either headfirst, back first, stomach first or whatever. I just knew that once I hit ground, I was surely dead. No doubt.

"For he is a monsters nightmare."

I screamed when my hands felt a substance. The ground was just underneath me. I held my breath, waiting for the ground to knock the breath out of my body as I slam into it. I knew that as soon as I applied pressure to the ground, my hands had broken, and my shoulder was on flames.

My forehead hit the surface of the darkness.

The last line of the verse echoed in my head. I didn't even know what to think.

For he is a monsters nightmare. In that split second I heard the crunch of my hands and elbows meeting each other, I left out the most ear splitting scream that bursted and exploded through my throat.

Above everything that happened, over the last of desperate and ubiquitous whispers, over all the chaos and awaiting of death, my ears heard a howl sink across the lining of the pit of the vacant abyss. But the last line meant death or life. The last line meant everything. No matter how confusing and perplexing it was, anyone who heard the way it was portrayed would know it brought along the remains of dread with it.

He is a monsters nightmare.

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