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NG Report, B:

Such bitter confusion over a little girl. The luring and threats did not disturb her brainwaves; in fact she simply ignored the death warnings. I have said that I would take things to the next level, but it seems like even death will not cause her to give up searching. For what, you may ask, its not tangible. The truth is slowly unravelling, and the more the Next Generation tries to interfere, the more worse it becomes for her. Selfishness over fear is what my team call it, but I do not think so. Cimber Coalers feels more controllable even though she is slowly breaking down, and more power in such situation, but she knows nothing about the outside,the big universe. She knows nothing beyond towns, no vision of the planets, no knowledge of what lies beyond the stretched lands and the light and velocities of the stars. Yet still, innocence and ethics were what she was... created for. The NG will not turn the GW without the final war. They say when you take something from them, they get diminished. Then let's use her against them.

Yet this is just the starters. If Cimber is not a walking bleeding heart (for we cannot see her inside emotions), she does not express her fear outwardly. Just note: Fear and anger are two very different things.

Though evidently, she shouldn't have feelings, but I have confirmed with my team that the GW wanted something overly forward. Amazing. Extraordinary, actually.

It's time to force this out of her.

We lost track of her destination. Something critical. Something dangerous. Losing Cimber is unaffordable. We will get her back.

We simply put her in a living hell world, a world of confusion, so isolated from our damaged outside one. She is under so much protection, and I know you all know that. But her safety insurance must be put second after her fear. In order to achieve this test successfully, we need to mark it out for Cimber Coalers. Subject 2367 will be the right one, and I am determined to make that happened. This war is at our stake. We chose it. We will end it. I will make sure of it.

The moment Andrew Griffin found the solution and supposed reaction to rip Cimber free from the isolation, we all knew what to do. I want to ensure you all know your job, and what you are looking for. We need to find a way to experience how Cimber Coalers feels about things, no matter how violent we need to go, how emotional, how aggressive. One cannot do more than destroy, divert or diminish one. But a thousand can destroy, divert and diminish a thousand. Scientists will be placed in ranks based of the insubordinates, and the SWAT teams will be trained more regularly. Cimber Coalers reaction to save her sister was more than a little impressive, resulting in a painful wound that, with all help, got healed with our materials. It's time to destroy again.

Just think of the future, my friends. Just think of the future.

NG report 2, closed. 

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