the testing

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"WALL? BUT WE are in an environmental area, no one is watching us. It doesn't make sense," I shot back, still unable to take it all in.

Even though what Brook said was hard to believe, her wise expression told the truth. "Thirty years ago, the battle of the NG and the GW occurred—so violent, aggressive, unexplainable. Bombs dropped, and so I heard, expensive weapons were used."

"How do you know?"

"Just listen—"

"Who's the GW?"

"The Generation Within, archenemy of the NG," She replied.

My heart pounded.

"I was there to see it, in fact. I was very young, and it was all over the news on the TV—"

"TV?" I echoed. Those strange words meant nothing to me.

"A flatscreen that shows images or videos in motion, thats never ending. Technology, I tell you, way more advanced than what we have here. In fact, we don't even have technology here, so it hits you hard. Anyway, the news also inserted and explained a new project by the NG called 'Oblivion'. They said Oblivion was a world in dream-wake form injected into certain people to help for the future world war against the GW and many countries more. They would do anything, Cimber, the NG will do anything to kill them. They will sacrifice the innocent and torture children our age just so they can get revenge."

Sacrifice. Father, Mother, Blair, and that unknown NG man. A horror struck me. If Brook was telling me useful information, the NG would control her and kill her any moment now. But they didn't do any abrupt suicide actions to Brook, so was this unuseful information?

"Anyway, they seemed to have entered the power of getting into The Oblivion into me, because I can get there. The use of Oblivion was to kill other people from the GW through dreams. Nobody knew how it was possible, but then the NG said that in The Oblivion, we can walk through peoples dreams and then diminish or destroy our victim."

"But you can't die in a dream."

"Not when the opponent is from deep in a dream. Depending on deep and light sleepers, the executioner is important. Such power known into it. But the NG seemed to have shut down Oblivion, or in other words, never injected someone else but me with it because I wasn't responding to the experiments and simulations. I don't think they know I can still enter. I don't remember how I did it, but it seemed to save many people from becoming a murderer. I failed their tests. Later on when I got older I entered any time I wanted without anyone knowing, but if the NG find me walking through The Oblivion and stalking other peoples nightmares, I'm dead."

"You never actually...killed someone in The Oblivion, did you?"

Brook grimaced, looking horrified, "Of course not! I'm now trying to find out how to get into an NG's workers dreams to kill that person!"

Her resentment towards the NG comforted me a little. But Brook continued on.

"One day, out of all of days, I woke up in this place. Don't know how, why, when or what for. I ended up here like everyone else. Except, I'm the only one who remembers. From my analysis, everyone's memory got erased. But me. The truth is, I don't think the NG can control me in particular."

My mouth fell open. The sentence memory got erased cause my muscles to tense. I clenched my jaw to stop questions from pouring out. So thats why she wasn't dead by now. I wanted to drink in more information, I wanted to tell her 'tell me more', but I got interrupted.

Brook leaned in forward, her deep meaningful eyes serious. So serious it stopped me from talking. What she was about to say was obviously fatal; and her hot stare was lethal.

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