the vision

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MISS ASH THEN ushered us free from the hospital, explaining that Brian/Jim still needed rest in the hospital and we were welcome to see him tomorrow. In the meantime, she said that we were going to go to the hotel. We followed her as she flung the glassy hospital doors open and we were no longer trapped in the hospital. Brook, however, was taken away.

 I could see that she was holding her breath and she looked around, her big blue eyes exploring every station. Ms Ash was taking us to her car, but as we walked outside she gave us details of what we were seeing. For example, she pointed at the random television screens and told us those devices were used to engage someone's attention to buy products. They were mostly hung at the display of stores, and I spent my time gazing at the items on the display. 

Ms Ash saw me looking at the strange body displays, and she told me they were called mannequins to show clothes the shop has on sale. She told us more about traffic lights, roads, buildings and residency, the government, all in those twenty minutes taken to walk to her car. It was parked along with many other cars, but Ms Ash owned a silver 'Mercedes' as she called it. Within a flash of her little keys the Mercedes automatically got activated and the door were unlocked. We all popped into the cushiony area, filled with AC and windows that were clearer than any river I ever saw. 

Us girls sat at the backseats while Ash took comfort at the driver's seat where the steering wheel protruded. I focused very intently on the way Ms Ash turned the wheel round and around and wondered how she could have such smooth control over this big vehicle. Anything could happen in the streets, and I was sure that if I took drastic measures to sit on the driver's seat and drive, my blindness would take over and we would all be dead. But Ash seemed more than calm as she glided swiftly through the streets without any problems, while Ariana and Brook looked outside in interest while I studied the movements of Ms Ash's steering.

 I could hear the distant 'oohs' and 'ahhs' coming from my sister and Brook, but I took no notice. Maybe watching Ash drive could help me in the future. I pictured myself driving one day, happily triggering through the roads, no problems at all...

Even so it was hard to imagine. When Ms Ash pulled up in the parking of a massive building, we stepped out of the luxurious car. I had to tilt my head backwards to see the whole building, my jaws reaching my knees so that I nearly collapsed. It was probably a thirty story building with endless clients who had the luxury to stay at the hotel even when they already had homes. I felt like a trespasser and stranger as I stepped into the hotel and behind the motioned doors that opened and closer as I stepped close to it. Today was the day of never-ending fantasies that came alive.

It was a little bit like the hospital in terms of layout, with a reception and all, but the place was warmly lit up in a golden color with paintings hung in frames around the place, mini fountains spurting from marble clear streams and a gigantic light that filled the lounge with colors. Ms Ash said it was a chandelier, one of the most expensive ever created but hand made. I was so taken away that I had to brace myself from falling over, my head dizzy with delight. I, a poor stranger, was going to live here for a while? It seemed too good to be true.

Ariana, Brook and I followed Ms Ash to the receptionist like stumbling sheep. I was aware of people throwing glances at us. I figured that I wasn't the only one with large clothes that I kept needing to pull the waistband up so it wouldn't fall. Brook had a white wooly shirt that reached way past her hands and drooped from her arms, but with very tight check tights. Ariana was wearing a black jacket that appeared to be her size, but her pants were just like mine, also perfect for elephants.

While Ms Ash spoke to the receptionist, I stared into space, thinking about all the miracles that brought me here.

I look over my shoulder to see Arch. I was startled by the gleaming silver bundle of fur with piercing eyes that was watching me cautiously, but within a blink, he was gone, leaving me telling myself off for my vivid imagination. I closed my eyes, shook my head, then opened them. Arch again was sitting in front of me, the carving at his collar catching my eye attentively. As soon as Arch looked up at me to reveal his frosty blue eyes that I had been desperate to see for a long time, he disappeared. No poof. Just a blink, and he's gone.

I closed my eyes and shuddered. I could still see Arch over and over again in my imagination, but not like this. I could feel the heat of his depraved stares that he gave me recently, and that was so unlike Arch. Those images of him spoke of death and conspiracy. I can't get him out of my head. It was hard to believe that he was once the wolf that happily frolicked beside me only a while ago then suddenly turned into some wolf that haunted me day and night, betraying me and my friends by releasing the wasp hive to chase after us.

He will always be watching me. 

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