Chapter 1

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"Mommy are you almost there?" Asked Lizzie
"Yeah sweetly we will be there in 30 minutes"

Caroline's pov. 
I take a deep breath staring at the ride a head of me. It was 8am so traffic had just started. Great! I take another deep breath. So much has happen to me lately. It all started with Aric dying. He has been dead for 3 months. Before he died  I promised him one thing,I will not take Lizzie and Josie back to Mystic Falls. He said to many bad things happen here and that he didn't want them going back. Over time I became lonely in Dallas and needed a friend. Most of my friends either still lives in Mystic Falls or is no where to be found. I really needed a friend right so that's why I'm driving to New Orleans.

I haven't seen klaus in over 5 years. Most people would think I'm going back to confess my love for him, but I'm not. I really hope- no I know he's moved on and I'm happy about it.  Honestly I just need a friend right now and after that phone call a couple years back I am sure now that we are friends.

Also it's not like I'm going alone. I'm going with Emily. You would never guess we were cousins. She has brown wavy hair and I have curly blond hair, she has hazel eyes while I have green, and she has a tan skin while I do not. She has stayed with me since Alaric died. She's really helped out with the kids and helped me. Honestly I couldn't asked for atone better.

"We're in New Orleans girls" I knew this was the new start was looking for.

Hello guys! Mine name is Arianna! This is my first time writing on Wattpad. I really hope you enjoy my first chapter. Please comment what you thing so far!

Ps. Here's a teaser!
Caroline is going to run into one of the originals!

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