Chapter 33

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A: Vote if your cool (ps didn't edit so sorry for mistakes)

Caroline's POV.
My eyes flutter open and I am blinded my the lights. I turn to me left and see Emily laying beside me, on my right is Hayley and on the bottom of the bed is Rebekah.

I get up with a low groan. I wasn't hangover, but I had a slight headache. This moment I was glad to be a vampire.

"Wake up bums! It's my wedding day!" Caroline yelled, clapping her hands together.

Rebekah and Hayley woke up and sat down pretty quickly, while Emily stayed laying with her head deep in the pillows.

"We might need to make some coffee for her." Hayley said, pointing at Emily.

"Or..." I stated with a smirk on my face.

In less than a minute, Emily was drenched in water.

"What the...." Emily yelled, jumping up.

Emily looked around at us and finally stopped when she saw me with a bucket in my hands.

"Your evil." Emily muttered giving me an evil eye.

I was about to reply when Emily jumped on me and pulled me onto the bed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, laughing.

Emily's mouth tried to hide a smile, but soon laughs escaped. Then, as if we were reading each other's Minds, we pulled Rebekah and Hayley down with us. Soon we were all breaking out in laughter.

"Guys, I'm getting married today.." I said,the realization finally sinking in.

I look around at my friends and grin. I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to share this moment with. On these few months I feel like I've gained three new sisters. I've also realized that I don't want them to ever leave my life.

"I love you guys." I smiled.

"We love you too, Caroline. Now, let's get you ready!" Rebekah squealed.

"And some coffee." Emily commented, making us laugh.

Yeah, couldn't live without them.

Elijah's POV.
As I slip the tie around my neck, my phone lights up. I quickly pick up the unknown number.

•Phone conversation•
Elijah: Hello.
Unknown: Meet me at 1:30. I have information.
Elijah: Yes, I will be there.
Unknown: Don't be late.
•end of phone conversation•

I sighed and walked away from my room to where Niklaus was getting ready. When I walked in he was sitting on the bed talking to Kol.

"The witch called and I am sad to say that I must meet him soon." I announce.

"If you must then very well, but you better not be late, brother. I do not want Caroline upset on our big day." Niklaus replies getting up from the bed and making his way over to Elijah. "And I would be very upset if you missed the big even." He added, patting my should lightly.

"I will make it as quickly as possible, I assure you." I told him with great honesty.

And then I was gone. I knew the witch Deleon was going to be at the French Bar where he always hangs around.

I opened the bar doors and immediately see the dark haired man sitting on the booth speaking to another gentleman.

"Deleon." I make myself known.

"Please call me Mitchell, Elijah. Oh and this is Tony." Mitchell introduced, patting a seat next to him.

"Well what information did you have?" I asked immediately, cutting the small talk.

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