Chapter 14

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No One's POV.
All the originals, Bonnie, Caroline, and Emily stand in front of the door. Right when the clock hits twelve they are out.

They walk only a few minutes before they hit there very first group of vampires. Bonnie gives a few headaches whoops Kol stakes them. The other people are in a line going from Rebekah, Elijah, Emily, Caroline, and Klaus. Fighting vampires and making sure everyone is ok.

Bonnie chanted and three vampires fall to the ground she watched as Kol stakes them about to move on to the next group when someone pulls her neck. The vampire was about to bite her when Kol swiped ho head off.

"Are you ok?" Kol asked.

"Yeah let's go." Bonnie said catching up to the group.

Caroline was hitting this vampire when he was about to jump her with vervain. She pulled him towards him and stabbed him. He must not know how Caroline can act when she's mad. She looked over and saw Klaus fighting four vampires. She ran over and pulled out some of their hearts. Klaus looked at her amazed.

"Keep your mouth closed. You might catch flies." Caroline said before hitting two vampires heads together.

Emily saw as two vampires pined Rebekah against a building. I ran up behind them and staked one of them. The other one pushed her hard against the floor and fed from her for a few seconds before Rebekah ripped his head off.

"Are are ok?" She asked helping me up.

"Yeah." I groaned getting up.

I saw Elijah run towards us and pull out two vampires hearts who looked as if they were about to attach. Elijah held his hand out for Emily. She took it and they vamp sped over to the group.

"We must almost be done!" Rebekah yelled pulling the head off a vampire.

"Seems so." Klaus replied kicking a vampire in the gut.

Then they saw it. Twelve werewolves looking as if there about to attack. They ran towards the group.

Klaus easily kills five of the werewolves. He looked over and helped Caroline kill two. Bonnie and Kol killed two and Rebekah and Elijah killed two. One left.

The one left came out of nowhere. Jumping in Emily. Even in human form he was stronger than Emily. She pushed him off, but only succeeded for a few seconds. He leaned in to her ear and whispered

"So witch original are you with? I'm just gonna tell you something when there done with you they'll throw you out like-"

Emily looks up and sees Elijah standing with a stake in his hand. He helps her up and she runs to hide.

"Well well well I see you've made it this far." Marianna said.

"Well did you think it was going to be difficult?" Klaus asked.

"I was hoping someone would die, but you guys really stood together. Wait actually didn't that poor little Emily die? She seemed sweet. " Marianna said making everyone tense.

"Marianna why are you doing this?" Elijah asked.

"Isn't obvious? Klaus killed my family so I'm doing the pleasure of killing his. Except the kids I'm not that cruel." Marianna said.

"But you would kill and innocent girl who had nothing to do with any of this?" Caroline spit out.

"I'm done with this nonsense talking." Marianna said before all the vampires fell to the ground and Bonnie went unconscious.

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