Chapter 32

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Emily's POV.
"Turn." Rebekah commanded me.

I look at myself and cringe. My body didn't look good in the short, ruffly dress.

"I don't think this is the one." I say, turning towards my friends on the couch.

"Yeah, you should try on a long dress it looks better." Caroline commented.

"Yeah." I agreed.

Before I went into the dressing room, I saw Hayley walk out with a similar short dress, except it looked beautiful on her.

"That's the one." I told Hayley, before heading into my dressing room.

I picked up a long dress with diamonds covering all the top. I slip it on and put it on. I couldn't help, but laugh at myself.

"Who picked this out?" I asked, stepping out of the dressing room.

"You look very flashy." Hayley laughed.

"You might just overshadow me." Caroline added.

"It looked cute on the rack." Rebekah defended.

I twirl in the flashy dress.

"Pose." Caroline told me.

I made very dramatic and silly poses. I even dragged Rebekah and Hayley with me.

Caroline continued to take pictures, laughing as she went along.

"Ok, I'm gonna go try something else on." I decided.

The next dress was the one. I knew it as soon at I put it on.

"I love it!" I exclaim.

Murmurs of agreement flooded through my friends mouths.

"Ok, I need a picture of you three." Caroline said.

Hayley, Rebekah, and I stood together. All of us wearing our Brides Maids dresses.

"Beautiful." A voice called out from the front of the store.

I turned my glance and saw Kol standing there with a suite wrapped in a long plastic bag.

"I'm pretty sure that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me." Rebekah chuckled.

"I'm feeling kind today, what can I say?" Kol replied, sitting next to Caroline.

"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked.

"Visiting my friend." He said, looking over at me.

"I'll be out in a minute." I say, running to the dressing room.

It takes me a second to change before I'm out to where I was just standing.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask my cousin.

"No, have fun." Caroline hugged me goodbye.

I looked up at the sky and notice the dark sky.

"I hope it doesn't rain." I comment.

"I'm sure it won't." Kol replied, also looking up.

Just on time, rain droplets start falling.

"Well it's not that bad." Kol said.

The rain started pouring down hard.

I ran to the closes building, but of course it was closed. There was a small cover, but I was still getting really wet.

"Here." Kol pulled the plastic bag above our heads.

We huddled closely together to get under the cover.

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