Chapter 6

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Caroline's POV.
What do I wear!?What do you wear on a date with Klaus Mikealson? I don't even know where we're going. Agh!

I throw everything out of my closet still mad we live in a hotel.

"I have nothing I can wear!" I shout. That's when Emily runs into my room.

"You can borrow something of mine." She said.

"Thanks Emm!"

We walk into her room and see clothes all over the ground, in the closet, and in bags.

"We really need to find an apartment." I say.

"Yes that we need." Emily said nodding her head.

I walk to the closet and look at her clothes. Not really my style, but I'm sure I'll find something. I find a beautiful town dress that has lace black lace at the top. I slip on some nude heels and walk over to Emily.

"You look amazing Care!" Emily screamed at me.

"Are you sure? I mean maybe it's too-

"Shut up" Emily interrupts"it looks amazing on you!". I let out a small chuckle and move on.

I do light makeup and curl my hair. When I'm finished I go over to Emily's room. She's sitting on her bed in her pajamas eating cookies and watching "what not to wear".

"Eww what the hell why would you ever wear that!" Emily yells at the screen.

"Rebekah picked up the kids already right."

"Yeah an hour ago and by the way you look amazing."

"Thank you Emily! Now what do you have planned tonight?"

"Just a quite night at home."

"Ok well it almost six, so I'm heading out."

I walk down to the lobby and see Klaus caring flowers. I smile at the sight. This is amazing no one has tried so hard for me.

"You look amazing,love." He said with his cute dimple smile.

"Thank you." I look down blushing. "It's Emily's I could figure out what to wear." I added.

"Whatever you wear you would look amazing in Caroline." I looked up at him. I saw only honestly in his eyes. This man honestly thought I was the most beautiful women and it took me this long to realize.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah." We walk to his car and he opens the door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I said teasingly.

"Only with those who deserve it." He said before getting in himself. Let the blush fest begin!

We got to the restaurant five minutes later. It was a little Italian place with beautiful plants and benches around. It also had lights hanging all around.

"This is so beautiful Klaus." I said I was so fascinated with it. It was truly breathtaking.

" I'm glad you like it ," he picked up my hand and guided me inside the restaurant. It was even more beautiful on the inside.

"Mr. Mikealson your table is right here." Said the waiter pointing to a table to the right. We sat down him right in front of me. We just stare in each other's eyes for a few minutes. I could stare at him forever. Then the waiter comes back.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" The waiter asked.

"Champagne." He said not looking away from me. The waiter nodded and walked away.

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