Chapter 8

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Emily's POV.
I wake up and don't see Rebekah, so I assume she's down stairs. I walk into the restroom brush my teeth and wash my face then head downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see Hope and Klaus sitting down in the kitchen. I see Kol making coffee and Rebekah also sitting at the table reading a magazine.

I look over and someone's behind the fridge. It must be Elijah because if it was Hayley Rebekah would have had her out in no time. I walk up to the fridge and Elijah shuts the door and see's me. He looked surprised.

"Good morning Elijah." I say opening the fridge door.

"Good morning Emily. I didn't know you stayed over." Elijah said.

"Wells she begged me to stay, so I did. It's not a problem right....." I trailed off.

"You are welcome to our home anytime."he gave me a small smile.

I got out some orange juice at that moment Kol gave me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you!" I said and poured orange juice in my coffee.

"Eww." Kol said.

"Hey it's good! And you drink blood in your coffee, so your not one to talk." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fine." He mumbled and sat down I front of Klaus. I sat next to him and Elijah with Rebekah in front of me.

"If your hungry there's some pancakes on the counter." Rebekah said.

"Who made them. I mean I feel like someone would try to poison them." I said looking at Kol.

"Why would I do that? I love you." Kol said innocently. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine your right, but I still don't want to eat anything Kol makes." I said.

"Well he didn't make them Elijah did." Rebekah said.

"Well those I can eat! Thank you." I said to Elijah before getting up.

I got up and Kol looked at me weird. I was confused. I just turned away and I felt Kol's hand touch the bottom of my shorts. I hit his hand away.

"Cute shorts." He said smirking.

"Kol if you ever do that again I swear I'll find those hidden daggers." I said looking straight at him.

I heard Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus start laughing. I stare him seriously.

"You wouldn't." He spit out.

"Try it again and you'll find out." I said before turning around.

Rebekah's POV.
Kol reached out his hand to do it again when Elijah grabbed his hand and twisted it. I heard it snap. Elijah let go and Kol begin rubbing his hand in pain.  Does Elijah like Emily? Does Emily like Elijah? I need to find out.

"Emily do you like my brother?" I asked. Kol and Klaus looked confused. While Elijah I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

That's when Emily walks over to us and wraps her arm around Kol from the back.

"Well Me and Kol are just friends and will ever just be friends."She said removing her hands and petting his head.

She didn't know I was talking about Elijah well I don't wanna just ask her if she likes Elijah. So I continued-

"Well you know that guy I met....."

"Yeah the one you skipped lunch with me for." Emily said.

"Well he's one of my good friends and umm."

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