Chapter 30

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Caroline's POV.
I decided to take the girls to the park. Klaus had to go check something out with Elijah, but I still had wedding preparations to do.

The wedding was only in two weeks. The first week of June was always my favorite time of the year.

It was crazy to think that I've only been in New Orleans for three months and it already feels like home.

That might have something to do with the endless supply of supernatural creatures and trouble.

"It's time to go girls." I said packing up.

The girls whined and complained, but soon we were in the car.

When my girls and Hope arrived at my apartment, Klaus was sitting on an armchair in the living room. He had a drink in his hand and his heard was leaned back.

"Hey girls, why don't you play in Josie and Lizzie's room." I say.

They do as I say and head out.

"What's wrong?" I ask Klaus, sitting on the arm of his chair.

"Oh, the usual. Witch prophecies with unclear meanings." Klaus sighed, taking a drink.

"Are you sure the witch is reliable?"

"Elijah thought enough to call me and her story seemed reasonable enough."

"Maybe I could speak to her? Have another opinion. You and Elijah always get worked up over little things."

"Well it seem you're a little late on that one, dear. She's dead."

"What?" I say. "You won't find anything more out now." I added.

"She couldn't find anything more out, so it made her useless and a reliability."

"Seriously? She helps you and then you just kill her."

"You know who I am, Caroline. I do whatever it takes to protect my family."

"Including killing innocent people." I scuffed.

"Like I haven't before? I would do it again, just as easily." Klaus growls as he gets up.

"Killing while in battle is waay different then killing someone who had the decency to help you. Maybe you haven't changed as much as I thought you did." I say standing up in front of him.

"Or possible your pretending I'm someone I am not."

I turn away from my fiancé. He was getting me frustrated to say the least.

"You should go." I say not looking at him.

I hear him sigh.

He gets Hope, leaving quickly.

I had a lot of things to think about.

Kol's POV.
"EMILY! WAKE UP!" I yelled at Emily.

She continued to lay, not startled by my many attempts to get her up.

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