Chapter 15

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Caroline's POV.
I run to the door knowing my two angels will be here. I open the door to Hayley standing with Lizzie, Josie, and Hope. I run and hugged Lizzie and Josie this is the longest we've been apart. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see the Mikealson family hugging Hope.

"I missed you my angels." I said breaking the hug.

"I missed you to mommy." Lizzie said.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yes!" Lizzie and Josie yelled making the adults laught.

"Well I'm glad honey. Let's get going." I said grabbing there bags. "I'll see you later. When Emily wakes up tell her I left." I added.

"We will." Rebekah said." But she might not be up anytime soon." Rebekah grinned.

I laughed and exited the house. We got into my car and drove to the hotel.

"Mommy how long are we going to live in a hotel?" Josie asked.

"Not that much longer honey I promise." I said.

Honestly with everything going on moving has been the last thing on my mind. I was thinking of renting an apartment for me, Emily, and the girls. I already know Klaus is going to want me to stay with him, but I can't. At least not right now. I want to do this right. I want nothing wrong to happen......

"Ok girls what do you want to do this afternoon?" I asked Lizzie and Josie.

"Let's get ice cream! Oh oh and let's go to the pool." Lizzie exclaimed.

"And go shopping!" Josie yelled.

"Ok! Ok! We'll have a girls day." I said pulling into the hotel.

We walked into our hotel and I pulled in the bags.

"Do you need a hand?" A young man said.

"It's ok I got it." I said about to walk away.

"You look a little young to be a mom. How old are they?" The man asked.

"They are six." I said walking passed him.

We get to our room and I unpack the bags with the girls help.

"Put the pants in the first draw." I said to Josie.

Josie walked over and put the pants in the draw. She slowly walked over to my suitcase. She put her hands on it and closed her eyes. Less than seconds later all the cloths were put up.

"Josie I didn't know you could do that." I screamed hugging her.

She was only a little girl and didn't know much spells from a lack of teacher.

"I didn't know either." Josie said giggling then running off with Lizzie.

"You girls get dressed we're going to lunch." I said smiling.

I changed into pink pants, white shirt, light pink blazer, and nude flats. I walked over to the girls. Josie was wearing a navy blue dress with brown sandals. Lizzie was wearing an orange and green romper with green sandals.

"Don't you both look beautiful." I said kneeling down.

"You too!" Lizzie exclaimed spinning.

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