Chapter 26

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Emily's POV.
"It's a deal." I said pulling my hand out.

Elijah reached his arm out, taking my hand in his.

"Deal." He said firmly.

Klaus's POV.
One by one the people Caroline and I care about filled the room. For obvious reasons the room didn't have to great of a number of people, but nevertheless it was an exiting time for Caroline.

"What's going on?" Rebekah asks as she walks in wearing a long satin gown.

"Just wait for everyone to get here." Caroline smiled.

"Yes, do try to be patient for once in your life." I commented toward my sister.

She rolled her eyes and plopped on the couch.

"Hey why is everyone here?" Hayley asks walking in with Hope.

Behind them Klaus and Caroline's kids walked in.

Caroline sits up from her chair and walk toward the crowd in the middle of the room. She held my bad tightly while smiling at my family- soon to be her family as well.

"Well-um.." Caroline started laughing nervously.

"Just spit it out." Kol complained leaning on the couch.

" We're getting married!" Caroline shouted.

The crowd smiled and ode at our news.

"Finally you did something right." Kol joked before adding "well besides having my adorable niece."

Kol picked up Hope and flipped her upside down.

I looked over to the corner and see Rebekah, Hayley, and Caroline talking up a storm.

Rebekah's POV.
"I can't believe you and my brother are getting married!" I squealed excitedly.

"Me either. It reminds me how much everything's changed. I mean I used to hate you and Hayley I used to think Tyler was cheating on me with you." Caroline said.

"Now we're friends." Hayley piped in.

"Speaking of that. Do you guys wanna be my bridesmaids?" Caroline asked.

Hayley and I cheered and gladly  accepted.

It feel like a different a world. One where my brother is getting married and I'm going to be a bridesmaid. I actually met a nice guy for once. It feels so amazing.

"Who's gonna be your maid of honor?" I ask winking.

"Come on do you really have to ask?" Caroline asked.

My eyes scanned over to Emily and my brother. They were sitting next to each other, but they aren't with each other.

"I think she'll make a good maid of honor." Hayley said still feeling bad how she treated Emily.

"How are they?" I asked in a whisper.

"Well they're better at least that's what Emily said." Caroline replied.

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