Chapter 31

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Klaus's POV.
I knocked on Caroline's door. I was nervous that she wouldn't forgive me so easily. Caroline was quite stubborn at times, but I would do anything to fix things with her.

That's the reason I'm standing in front of the door with a single red rose. I knew Caroline would love the small romantic gesture.

Isn't that are thing?

Of course she also hated my romantic gestures it the past, but that is when she hated me. Now we were going to get married. Things changed. We changed.

When Caroline opened the door she looked surprised to see me. She probably thought she would be the one to smooth things over, but like I said we changed.

When her eyes roamed down to the flower, a small smile crept on her face.

She held out her hand and grabbed the rose. She admired it for a second before looking back up at me.

"It's beautiful." She complimented.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said so many-"

My lips pressed against hers, interrupting her. I didn't want to hear her apologize. She was reacting  normally.

Even if I think I did what I had to, I couldn't help love her humanity.

"Just let me apologize. You don't have to top me at everything." I joked.

"Wouldn't that be boring?" Caroline joked back.

Caroline played with the red flower as she let me in. I sat on the couch and waited for her to come back.

I was so in my thoughts, I didn't notice her arrive back into the living room before she was sitting next to me.

"Want to help me finish the wedding planning?" Caroline asked me.

I nodded and she pulled out a few papers.

"Ok I was thinking of getting the flowers from our location. They have a great variety." Caroline said to me.

"Really." I replied.

"Oh I haven't showed you the picture Emily sent me? Hold on." Caroline said, pulling out her phone.

The location for mine and Caroline's wedding was beautiful, but really any place we get married would be fine. As long as I get to marry Caroline.

"Let's move on to......"

Rebekah's POV.
I closed my eyes as Hope did my makeup. I could hear her giggling as she did her makeup. I knew this was a bad sign.

"How's it going, honey." Rebekah asked her niece.

"Don't worry, Rebekah. You look amazing." Hayley said, but I did notice her trying to muffle a laugh.

I must really love Hope.

"I'm done, Aunt Bekah." Hope cheered.

I opened my eyes and picked up a mirror.

I had dark red lip stick with pink lipgloss on my lips and around them, pink eyeshadow spread across my entire eye, and a neon pink blush covered my cheeks.

"Oh you do so well my darling. You should think of doing this professionally." I told my niece.

A huge smile spread across her face. She wrapped her arms around me.

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