Chapter 11

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No One's POV.
"No." Emily whispered looking around. Everyone looked at her. "This is my fault."

"Emily what do you mean?" Caroline asked.

Emily started pacing around the room.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked worried.

She walked over to Emily and put a hand on her shoulder. Emily stopped and looked at Caroline.

"He-he wants you guys to kill me." Emily whispered.

"What we would never!" Rebekah said walking to the two girls.

"Not on purpose but-but we have two weeks in here and-and you guys don't have enough blood bags for that long. I heard Caroline say that there was only ten more and there's five of y'all. I know that-that Bonnie can-can protect herself. I can't." Emily stumbled.

They all looked at Emily scared. The possibility never accused to them at the time.

"Emily let's go upstairs." Bonnie said grabbing Emily's arm.

"Ok." Emily whispered.

Bonnie dragged Emily up. Emily suddenly stopped and looked at them.

"There trying to weaken you." Emily said and turned back and walked upstairs.

Bonnie came back alone and sat next to Caroline.

"I put a spell up." Bonnie said.

"What spell?" Caroline asked.

"The spell allows no one to enter her room unless she slows them. They have to ask. Every time you want to enter you have to ask again." Bonnie said.

"Thank you." Caroline whispered.

"What are we going to do?" Bonnie asked.

"Well it's a boundary spell meaning a witch can break it." Klaus said looking at Bonnie.

"It's more complicated then that. I can't just break a boundary spell. I figure out a spell that over rides it and that may take a few days." Bonnie said.

"Is there anyway we can speed up the process?" Elijah asked.

"I need all the herbs you have and it would help if I could barrow your mothers grimoire it would speed it up." Bonnie said.

Klaus was about to speak.

"Anything you need just ask." Elijah said.

Elijah walked into his library and came back with the grimoire.

"Here you go Ms. Bennet." Elijah said. Bonnie took the book and walked upstairs into her room.

"Now how are we going to handle this?" Rebekah asked.

"I'm gonna kill Tyler and this little witch when I get out of here." Klaus growled.

"Nik they might have other people on there side. We have to actually make a plan." Rebekah said.

"We have to contact someone who might know what's going on." Elijah said.

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