Chapter 17

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Emily's POV.
I sit on my bed looking at the time, four thirty. Elijah's picking me up in two hours and I'm sitting on my bed. I look at my wardrobe.

"What to wear?" I ask myself.

I walk over to my closet and throw everything out. I pick out a light pink dress, but quickly throw it. I find a reddish dress, but like the last throw it.

"Uggh!" I scream slipping on my bed.

Caroline walks into my room looking around. She grabs a blue dress with flowers.

"Is this what your looking for?" She asked sitting next to me.

"It's perfect." I whisper.

I lay on my bed holding the dress. Caroline lays beside me.

"You nerves?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah a lot."

I sigh and sit back up.

"Do you want me to help you get ready?" Caroline asked.

I nod and she runs to the bathroom coming back with everything a girl could need.

She curled my hair lightly. She applied powder, blush, mascara, pink lipstick, and a little eyeliner.

"Thank you!" I exclaim.

"It's no problem Emily." Caroline replied.

She left and I looked at my dress. It was perfect. I slipped it on slowly not ruining my hair or makeup .

Elijah's POV.
I straightened my tie and walked out of my bedroom. I walked grabbed my jacket by the door.

"Hold on young man." I heard Kol say.

I turned around to see Kol and Niklaus.

"What do you need Kol?" I ask.

"We have to have a talk before you go on a date with Emily." Kol said then whooshed over to the couch.

He patted the seat next to him. I looked over at Niklaus and he just shrugged. He walked over to the couch sitting on one of the armchairs.

I walked over to where Kol was and sat next to him.

"Now now brother what intentions do you have with Emily?" Kol asked.

Niklaus chuckled.

"What are you doing Kol?" Niklaus asked.

"Well since Emily's dad is dead I took the role." Kol said darting his eyes at me.

"I just want to go on a date with her brother." I sighed.

"Fine, but don't do anything inappropriate." Kol warned.

I got up and walked out of the door wondering what got into Kol. He seems to care for someone other than himself.

No One's POV.
Emily waits outside her apartment silently. She looks up to see Elijah standing there with flowers. Emily walks to Elijah grabbing the flowers.

"Thank you." Emily says staring at the beautiful flowers.

"Your welcome." Elijah replied holding his arm out.

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