Chapter 9

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Rebekah's POV.
I insisted that I help Emily get ready for her date. It's 4pm, so we have to hours to get ready that's when my phone starts buzzing. It's Caroline.

{Phone conversation}
Rebekah: Hey Care what's up?

Caroline: Can you watch *giggles* the kids for me tonight?

Rebekah: Yeah why?

Caroline: umm just some things I have to do. *Klaus* Don't lie, love. Hello dear sister

Rebekah: ok I'm going to hand up now before I vomit.
{end of phone conversation}

I went back to straightening Emily's hair. I finish ten minutes later. Emily still hasn't said a word.

"Hey Em." I say.

"Yeah Bekah?" She asked.

"Are you sure you want to go on this date?"

"Yeah of course." She takes a deep breathe. "Now let's go pick out a dress." She added.

We both ran into the closet and found a beautiful black and white dress. We paired it with black heals.

After that I did her makeup. I used powder, blush, mascara, eye liner, and topped it of with pink lipstick. I stand back and look at Emily.

"You look amazing Em!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks!" She said while giggling.

"Ok you better get downstairs! He's gonna drop you off here because I want to know everything that happens!"


We walk down stairs and a few minutes later my friends James came. I ran upstairs to give them some privacy and up to the girls room.

"Ok little ladies what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Let's play pirates!" Josie shouted.

"Yes!" Hope giggled.

"Ok then let's get ready "

{1 hour later}

I hear the car pull in and run down stairs. I see Emily walking in. She turns around and looks at James's car. When it's gone she looks at me with sad and angry eyes.

"Rebekah why?" She said walking over to me.

"What happened Em?" I asked full of concern.

"That was the worst date I've ever been on!"

"I'm sorry what happened?"

Elijah's POV.
I hear yelling and walk out of my room and see Emily and Rebekah.

"He ordered for me and of course every girl wants that, but I don't!" Emily shouted. Then continued,

"He always asked about me! I know almost nothing about him. He said all the right words at all the right moments!" She slumped into the chair.

She looked as if she was going to explode. It broke my heart that she felt this way. Tears rolled down her beautiful face. She was so sad after one date. One date can make her fall apart. What happened to her?

"And at the end of the date he tried to kiss me and I turned away. He didn't even seem upset or angry! He just smiled and said good night." Emily almost whispered.

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