Chapter 2

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Caroline's pov.
We get to our hotel. A beautiful old rustic looking building. I've heard it's been here for a century. I walk inside the lobby to see a young women there with long red hair smiling at me.
"Hello I'm Caroline" I smile at her
"Welcome! My name is Vivian. It says you want 2 rooms is that correct with one double bed?"she asked
"Yes that is correct"
"How long are you staying?"
"I don't know yet?"
"Ok well then welcome to New Orleans! If you need anything just ask". she says darting her eyes at a picture that says 1923 on it with her picture.

She's a vampire. And she knows I'm a vampire. Great! How many vampires are here anyways?

We go up to our room and put down our things away. Lizzie, Josie, and me are sharing a room while Emily gets her own.

"We need to go do something fun!" Emily says barging in.
"Ok, what do you want to do?"
"Umm" she says thinking real hard.
"Ok while your thinking lets get some lunch."

Josie and Lizzie run in the room and jump on me excitedly. We walk down to the lobby and ask Vivian what's a good place that's close. She tells us about a little cute place just 2 blocks away. We start walking when I hear my name being called.

"Caroline" a women's voice yells. It sounds familiar. I turn around and see the one and only Rebekah Michealson. She pulls me in a tight hug and looks down at Josie and Lizzie.

"Oh hello girls" Rebekah greets them.
"Hey, Rebekah! How are you?"
"I'm great! What are you doing here?" She says smirking
"Oh just visiting"
"Anyways you wanna have lunch with us?"
"My pleaser" she say looking at Josie and smiling.

We walk to the restaurant and sit down outside. We start talking casually. I tell her about Alaric, she listens to everything with concern on her face. Honestly she a good friend once you get to know her. Emily and Rebekah are getting along great snickering like school girls staring at our waiter when he passes by.

"My my my he's good looking" says Emily.
"Yes he is indeed" Rebekah says grinning at Emily.
They both look at him walking away.
"Who the things I would do with him" she sighs
"Maybe you can you know" Emily says winking Rebekah looks confused but then realized what  she was talking about.
"Ohh you want me to compel him" Rebekah says.
"No no no I didn't say that, but the things-
"Ok this getting way past PG so let's go!" I say cutting in. They both sigh and get up while I pay.

Rebekah grabs my hand and starts pulling me with her. I start to pull back but she's stronger than me.

"Hey where are we going?"
"Oh it's a surprise" Rebekah says winking. Both Emily and Rebekah start snickering. I roll my eyes and keep walking. We get up to a big house.

"Wow" Emily says
"Yeah it's pretty big" Rebekah says unimpressed . Emily looks at me in amazed I just laugh.

We walk up to the front , Rebekah finally letting go of my hand. I look down at Josie and Lizzie making sure there both there. While Rebekah opens the door.

"I brought visitors!" she yelled.
I look up to see a pair of blue eyes looking straight at me. We stair at each other for a minute in shock. A smirk suddenly forms on his face.

"Hello, love" he says.
"Hi." is all I can muster up to say. My hearts start beating faster as I look in to his eyes, I can't look away.

"Daddy" is what breaks our graze. He looks over at I little girl a little bit older than my girls. She walks over to Lizzie and smiles.
"Do you guys wanna go play?" She asked. They both look at me and I nod. They both run upstairs with the little girl.
"My names hope" she says running into her room. We all looked at each other for a minute. Then Rebekah pulled
Emily into another room. Leaving me and klaus.

Klaus's pov.
I invite Caroline in. She walked in looking around. Stilling looking as beautiful as always. Who eyes around the furniture.

"It's quite a beautiful house".
"Thank you, love."
She looked over at me slightly blushing. I smiled.
"Would you like to sit down?"
"Yes, please!"
I chucked at how exited she seemed to sit down.
"So Caroline, what brings you here?"
She sighs.
"I came to see you." She looks down.
"Oh" I said trying hard not to smile. She looked at me.
"And Elijah and Rebekah."
"Oh really I would think you would wanna be far away from me and my family." I smirked and she started blushing again.
"Well a lot of things have happen. It's all in the passes and consider you guys as my friends." She smiles her cute little smile. I looked in her eyes and saw sincere and honesty.

As if planned Elijah walks in smiling at Caroline. She walks toward him and gives home a big hug.

"Elijah it's good to see you!"
"Oh the pleasure is all mine Ms. Forbes." She laughs
"Caroline" she corrects.

Emily's pov.
I start laughing and can't stop. Rebekah is killing me with laughter. I try to walk away from her still laughing so hard I can barely walk. I stumble into the next room laughing still. I fall to the ground Rebekah still behind me laughing. I final calmed my self down and looked up to see everyone staring at me.
"Oh hi I'm Emily Forbes, Caroline's cousin." My cheeks start turning red. A hand is offer to me and I take it pulling myself up.
"Hi I'm Elijah. Move to meet you miss Forbes." He says very kindly. I give him a small smile and look at Caroline.
"Maybe it's time to go" Caroline says looking at me I give her a nod.

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