Chapter 12

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Caroline's POV.
I'm in the kitchen drinking coffee when I hear Emily wake up. She groans in pain and I can't help, but worry. Klaus and Elijah were in the kitchen, Kol was helping Bonnie with the spell, and Rebekah was taking a shower.

"I don't think she's ok." I say looking at Elijah and Klaus." She might say she's ok, but she's not." I added.

"We need to tell her to rest." Klaus said.

"She won't listen. She's stubborn and won't let anyone tell her not to do something." I said walking around the kitchen.

I hear Emily walk down stairs and to the kitchen. She's in yoga pants and a t-shirt. She walks past us and about to grab the coffee pot when Kol was right I front of her with a mug of coffee.

"Thank you Kol for the coffee. I was wondering why I didn't see you." Emily said them sat down.

"I was waiting forever for you to come down." Kol said.

"Well Kol have you ever been drained of most of your blood before? No, so I can sleep however long I want" Emily said.

"Your right." Kol said raising his hands up in defeat.

I laughed at the sight and went back to my coffee.

"So anyone want to help me train today?" Emily asked.

I looked at her surprised. Why would she want to hurt herself again? Especially since she's already very injured.

"Are you sure you want to do this Emily I mean-" I started.

"I'm sure Caroline. I have to do something." Emily interrupted.

"Fine, but you'll long train with me today." I said.

"Ok let's go." She said getting up.

We walk into a big empty room with Wooden floors and two big windows. We fight a little then do a little training.

"I want you to do one hundred push ups." I said. "I'll be right back." I added walking to the living room.

"Can someone help Emily I'm tired and need a nap." I said.

After two hours of fighting and one hour of exercising I'm tired. I'm surprised she hasn't dropped dead yet.

"Aren't you the vampire? She should be the tired one." Klaus joked raising his eyebrows.

Before I could say anything Elijah got up.

" I'll take her off your hands. Have a good nap Caroline." Elijah said before walking out of the room.

I yawned and headed to me room. I looked back and saw Kol and Klaus talking. They seemed like they were getting along better. I thought everyone was going to kill each other stuck in here, but I was wrong.

Elijah's POV.
I walk into the room to see Emily doing pushups.

"Eight-eight, eighty-nine, ninety, ninety-one............" Emily whispered breathless." One hundred." She said standing up breathing hard.

"You seem to have tired out Caroline,so I'm here." I said looking at Emily.

She was sweating all around her body. Her face and hair looked the wettest. She was still breathing hard and picked up a water bottle and drank most of it.

"I tired out a vampire. That's cool." She said laughing.

"It's a challenge to do."I simply stated.

"Yes, but you I don't think I'll be able to tired out."

"No probably not."

That made her laugh. I moved towards her and pinned her against the wall. She hit me in the stomach and turned me against the wall. She huffed out a breath. She was about to stake me when I pushed her to the floor. She pushed herself up incredible fast. She came again, but I was too fast and pushed her off.

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