Chapter 25

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(Left-Emily Right- Caroline)
(Ps. Look for the 🚨 at the end of the chapter for a surprise)
Caroline's POV.
"Wear something nice." I read off the note I found under my door.

I'm assuming Klaus.

I scan my closet in hope to find something. I feel especially nerves about tonight. Klaus and I have been on a few dates already, but this one feels different. I don't know exactly how.

Klaus has been keeping a secret from me and I have a feeling I'll be finding out about in tonight.

I end up settling on a dark blue dress with a black belt.

"Mommy, can me and Josie have a cookie?" Lizzie asked with Josie standing behind her.

"Yes honey. I'll get them for you." I replied.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a box of cookies. I gave them two each.

"Oh hey! Look we are matching!" Emily exclaimed walking in with a similar dark blue dress.

"Got plans?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Yeah me and Elijah are going out to dinner at six." She replied not hiding her excitement.

"Well I wish I could send you off, but Klaus and I have a date at five." I said.

"Well-well isn't it the night of dates." Emily joked looking down at the kids.

I was planning on giving Emily a break anyways, so Kol is coming over to take care of the kids.

Klaus's POV.
I knocked on Caroline's door. I waited a few seconds before she opened the door.

I was yet again astonished by her Beauty. Her soft curls and pink lips could stop my heart. How could I not stare?

"Well then let's get going." She said trying to hide her blush.

I extended my hand and she took in with a strong grip. We walked around to the passenger's side and I opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Klaus. You are being such a gentleman." Caroline complimented.

"Only with those who deserve it." I replied honestly.

We arrived at the restaurant. It was crowded as we entered.

"Mikealson." I simply said the the waiter.

"Your tables right over here." The waiter said.

Caroline grabbed me hand as we followed the waiter.

The table was towards the back. It was darker, but tiny lights lined around the walls. It was a booth with soft cushions.

"It looks beautiful." Caroline said looking around amazed.

"Thank you, my love. I knew you would love this place." I said as we sat down.

Emily's POV.
I leaned against the couch. It's only 6:35. He's probably running late.

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