Chapter 24

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Caroline's POV.
"Mommy! Wake up!" I hear my children yell.

"Daddy wake up!" I heard Hope yell.

The children climbed on my bed and started jumping up and down.

A small chuckle came out of Klaus as he sat up. Hope ran over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning my love." He said.

"Good morning Dad." Hope replied.

Lizzie and Josie had made there way over to me. They both played by my side.

I couldn't help, but smile. We were a family. A real family.

I felt lips touch my cheek and looked over at Klaus. He had a smile on his face.

Kol's POV.
"Bonnie." I whisper as she comes closer to me.

Bonnie has a grin on her face. She was slowly towards me, her hair blowing in the wind.

I tried to walk towards her, but my legs felt stuck. All I could was watch her.

She finally came close enough to touch. I stretch my arms out, but suddenly she disappeared.

I frantically looked around for her. I ran around the mysterious room now that I could move.

"Bonnie! Where are you!" I yelled about a million times.

There was never an answer.

I woke up not knowing where I was. It was all a dream. I sighed not wanting to get out of bed.

Dammit Bonnie. Why did she have to leave me? I cared about her more than I cared about anyone and I thought she did too.

I deserve this. All the pain and suffering I've conflicted on others. I am destined to be lonely and sad for eternity. I don't deserve Bonnie or happiness for that matter. Bonnie's better of gone. Maybe she'll find someone she deserves.

Knock! Knock!

Rebekah comes through the door.

"Are you ok? I could hear you screaming." Rebekah asked coming up to my bed.

"Just a bad dream. No need to worry about me, dear sister." I replied carelessly.

She ignores my last comment and sits on my bed.

"You were yelling Bonnie's name.....It's still hard isn't it?" Rebekah said concerned.

I didn't reply just looked up at her.

"I know it's hard. You think you don't deserve her and are happy she left. But Kol you did deserve her. You changed for her. You were unselfish for once in your life." Rebekah whispered.

"She deserves someone better." Is all I could say.

"Kol! I don't know why Bonnie ever fell for you. That will be a mystery forever. But she did. She cared about you. You can't choose who you fall in love with. You should know that. You have so many examples around you. I mean for gods sake Niklaus tries to kill all of Carolines friends and here she is." Rebekah yelled.

I sat up in my bed unable to think of something to say.

"I'll leave you alone." Rebekah sighed.

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