Chapter 13

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Emily's POV.
"Shit!" I yell as Rebekah pins me to the ground.

I push her off and punched her in the stomach then staked her.

"I-am-sweating." I scream grabbing a water bottle.

"Ew!" Rebekah said getting up and taking the steak out of her.

"Hey! It's not like you sweat. It feels worse for me."


I walk out of our practice room. I get pined to the wall from behind. I kick them in the stomach and try to turn around, but the grip is too strong. I kick them again and get the stake from my pocket. I turn around and stake him in the heart and relive it's Kol.

"Damn it Kol!" I yelled removing the stake from his heart.

"I was preparing you for a sneak attack." He joked walking away.

"Jerk!" I yelled before walking into the kitchen.

"How are you?" Elijah asked.

"I would be better if your brother didn't bother me." I said casually.

"Hey I heard that!" Kol yelled.

"I know!" I said giggling walking up to Elijah.

"What do you need Emily?" Elijah asked.

"It's that time of the day." I said

"I don't understand what you mean." He says.

"You need to take some of my blood."

"Oh ok. I'll be right back." Elijah said.

He came back a second later with a needle and a bag.

"Ok I'm gonna put this needle in your skin ok. I'll only keep it in for a few minutes." Elijah said and I nodded.

He slowly put the needle in my arm. I closed my eyes in pain. Elijah strokes my hair to calm me down. I started to calm down. I opened my eyes. Elijah was staring at me with concern. I gave him a weak smile.

After a few minutes we were done and I felt drained. Elijah pulled his arm around my waist and helped me walk. We were about to go upstairs when I started coughing. The coughing started getting more intense. I notice that I was coughing up blood.

Everyone came in and Elijah was  holding me up. Everyone was all around me trying to help me. I stopped and saw Bonnie holding my hand.

"Thank you." I could barely get out.

"You lost a lot of blood try not to use any energy." Elijah said picking me up by the waist.

He put me on his bed since I couldn't talk to invite him in. I couldn't even move. My eyes were closed and I just wanted to lay there forever. Elijah touched my pail face with his hand.

"Emily please keep your eyes open." Elijah pleaded.

Him talking in that tone of voice made me want to cry in a river. His voice which is usually a hard and emotion was pleading me to open my eyes. So I did. I tried with all my might to open my eyes and I did.

I looked around and saw Elijah and Caroline sitting at my sides, Bonnie chanting, and Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol moving around the room. I felt so tired. I blinked, but I never opened my eyes up again.

Kol's POV.
"Hurry up Kol get the blood!" I heard Elijah yell.

If it wasn't Emily's life at stake I would have yelled back at my brother. This though is a serious matter.

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